Nottingham Post

Hammer thug jailed for his attack on ex-colleague


A VIOLENT offender who bullied a man at work before attacking him with a hammer has been jailed.

Jordan Laird, 32, left his victim with a footprint mark on his forehead after stamping on him.

On the evening of March 1 last year, Laird, of Cloverdale, Cotgrave, travelled to meet his victim by bicycle. The pair had worked together a few months earlier and had fallen out and Laird was said to have been bullied the victim.

He threw his bike in some bushes and grabbed his victim from behind. The pair then had a fist fight before Laird, pictured, swung the hammer four or five times at the victim’s head.

The victim fell to the ground and Laird kicked him in the face repeatedly. Police were called and the victim was found lying in a street in Cotgrave with a severe head wound at 6.45pm.

At hospital he was found to have a bleed to the brain and a fractured skull. Detectives identified Laird as the offender after “extensive local enquiries”.

He pleaded guilty to committing grievous bodily harm with intent and was jailed for three years and ten months at Nottingham Crown Court on February 27.

Detective Constable Chris Archer said: “This was an extremely violent attack which left the victim with severe head injuries. Laird armed himself with a hammer when he went to confront his former colleague. We know incidents of this nature can rapidly escalate when any weapon is involved.

“I hope the victim can continue his recovery from these injuries and move on from this incident. I also hope both he and members of the public in Cotgrave are comforted by the sentence handed down by the judge.”

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