Nottingham Post

Georgia’s magical six months of weight loss


- By OSCAR FISHER newsdesk@nottingham­

A SUPER-SLIMMER lost a phenomenal six stones in just six months.

Georgia Bacon, 27, from Heanor, went from a dress size 22 in June last year to being a size 12 in December – and now she has shared her weight-loss secrets.

Georgia joined her local Slimming World group in the summer when she weighed 17st 5.5lbs and said that, before joining, she had a “serious lack of motivation”.

It was while speaking to her mother, who was also trying to lose weight, that something clicked that made Georgia want to turn her life around.

Like many, she struggled with chocolate, sweets and – especially – takeaways.

“My goodness, it was so easy to just order it with a click of your fingers and not have to do any cooking.

“It was just pure laziness. I couldn’t be bothered to cook and ordering something was so much easier. It’s a shame really, looking back on it, as I could have started this journey so much earlier and I’d be feeling as good as I do now.

“I love cooking and that’s been a massive thing with my Slimming World journey, cooking from scratch and seeing it all come together is great – and all with fresh produce.”

Georgia’s biggest weight loss was in the week after she first started in June, when she lost nine pounds in one week and, just two weeks later, she’d lost a full stone.

Georgia, a fraud investigat­or, said: “When I was at my heaviest, I felt embarrasse­d about my size, getting out of breath when walking, not wanting to be in pictures. I remember when me and my partner decided to climb Mount Snowdon, I had never felt embarrassm­ent like it. I moaned and I groaned – I even think I cried climbing up and we did the easiest route.” Changing her diet was pivotal. “Once I had the diet nailed down I started building up my body magic (exercise). I started with more regular walks, making sure to do my steps for the day and increasing them every day.

“Finally, I took the plunge and trialled some gyms. A few weren’t for me, but I found the perfect gym that works for me with classes and great accessibil­ity – and the staff are amazing. I was able to keep building my fitness at the gym by increasing classes and heading to Sunday sessions instead of lounging around.

“I can walk into a room and not want the ground to swallow me up and can go to the gym and exercise without feeling anything other than confidence.

“I am a different person since I started Slimming World. I don’t know who I was before I joined, but this confident young woman is here to stay and I hope to help others on their journey. Anyone can do it.”

Georgia has maintained her 11st 5.5lbs target weight since December.

Find out more at slimmingwo­

 ?? SLIMMING WORLD ?? Georgia’s weight loss saw her drop 10 dress sizes
SLIMMING WORLD Georgia’s weight loss saw her drop 10 dress sizes

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