Nottingham Post

Restrainin­g order after pub attack


- By JOSHUA HARTLEY @Joshhartle­y70

A VIOLENT thug punched a woman in the face during a row in a Nottingham­shire pub’s beer garden.

Thomas Strong, 31, argued with the woman outside the Waterfront pub in Worksop before launching a horrific attack on her in the early hours of August 8 last year.

As his victim tried to confront him about his behaviour, he punched her in the face.

She fell backwards and hit her head on the ground, causing facial injuries and damage to her front teeth that had to be treated in hospital.

Then Strong casually walked away as drinkers and staff rushed to help.

Strong, who was known to his victim, later handed himself into police and pleaded guilty to assault occasionin­g actual bodily harm.

Strong, of Castle Street, Worksop, appeared at Nottingham Crown Court for sentencing on Friday.

The court made him the subject of a restrainin­g order banning him from contacting the victim in any way for three years, and he was also ordered to pay her £750 in compensati­on.

Strong was also given a one-year community order, including a requiremen­t to complete a 31-day domestic violence programme, as well as 80 hours of unpaid work.

PC Chelsea Seals, of Nottingham­shire Police, said: “This was a sickening attack. Strong is a large and powerfully-built man who launched a vicious assault on a woman who was far smaller than him and had no real hope of defending herself.

“The CCTV footage of the incident shows him striking her with a hard punch to the face, causing her to fall backwards and hit her head on the floor.”

She added: “As we have seen in other cases in the past, the consequenc­es of that fall could have been far more serious and resulted in an extremely serious injury.

“By his own admission Strong lost control of himself that night and lashed out at his victim.

“As this case demonstrat­es, anyone behaving in a similar way should also expect to end up before the courts.”

 ?? GOOGLE ?? The Waterfront pub in Worksop
GOOGLE The Waterfront pub in Worksop

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