Nottingham Post

Why hasn’t Rishi Sunak sacked them?


WHY are Suella Braverman and Liz Truss still Conservati­ve MPS? Why haven’t they had the whip withdrawn like Lee Anderson? Their offences are even more serious.

In most walks of life, it’s “three

fails and you’re out”! Truss, Braverman and Anderson all have far more. Their entire careers have seen failure rewarded by promotion.

Truss was responsibl­e for the drastic cutback in EA funding around 2015 which caused a dramatic rise in sewage in our rivers. She is most infamous for her crashing of the economy during her short tenure as PM. This week she stood on a USA platform with far-right Republican­s, one of whom openly stated their purpose was to “end democracy” and that the January 6 insurgency was something they intend to repeat!

She told Steve Bannon how Rochdale could be won by a “radical Islamist Party”, while standing by smiling as he called Tommy Robinson a hero. Disgracefu­l!

She, an ex-uk PM, openly called for Joe Biden, head of state of one of our key allies, to be removed from office. A diplomatic gaffe of the highest order.

Braverman was sacked by Truss for breaching ministeria­l rules – sending official documents by personal email. As Home Secretary she failed to prevent a massive rise in illegal migrant boat crossings, presided over a massive slowdown in processing applicatio­ns – causing a huge increase in hotel accommodat­ion spending.

Now she writes in the Telegraph how Starmer is in “hock to the Islamists” in an article designed to produce hatred of Muslims.

Far more than three appalling fails each! Is Sunak just too weak to say “you’re out!”?

Dilys Morgan via email

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