Nottingham Post

Motorists feel like ‘sitting ducks’ at ‘horrible’ junction



RESIDENTS have told of their concerns over a junction on the A52 Bingham Bypass where dozens of collisions have taken place and one person has been killed.

In the past 20 years, there have been at least eight serious incidents at the junction with Tithby Road, Bingham, one fatal incident and around 22 “slight” incidents, according to crash map data.

Residents in the area say the junction has always been difficult to negotiate, and say most people are unsure on who to give way to when using it.

Retired David Hobson, 72, said incidents happen there regularly.

He said: “I don’t think motorists understand the junction itself They are not sure whether to give way to this road or from the A52 so we get a car stopping here and over there and they don’t know where to go.”

Mr Hobson said the road has recently had work done to it and has been painted, but he is unsure how much of an impact this will have.

He said: “The junction itself is fine, but I’m afraid some motorists these days don’t understand. Some are impatient and that causes accidents, and some just sit there for ages. It’s a problem. It seems to have got worse over the last couple of years.”

A 48-year-old manufactur­er who did not wish to be named said: “It is a horrible junction, and I use that junction every morning when I go to work and it’s just really quite dangerous turning right across. You just feel like a sitting duck in the middle of the road.”

“I think cars have crashed into people middle when there, people and likewise are sat coming in the in the opposite direction. We get lots of big lorries coming down there at speed as well. It’s almost like they have painted a central reservatio­n so it’s safe for people to overtake, but I don’t know if that will encourage people.” Another resident, 45-year-old Lisa Wharmby, said: “We’ve not had any accidents or anything there but I know a lot of people struggle in which way to give way to, so I think it does need sorting out.” The childminde­r added that she hopes the road will be safer now it has been painted “as it stands out more.” She said: “They have been working there the last five weeks or so at night time. I’ve not been on it since they did it, so will be interested to see what they have done.” Rushcliffe Borough Councillor Rowan Bird has previously told the Post that the junction “has always been a dangerous spot”. He stated: “Very fast traffic goes through as it is the bypass, there have been calls in the past for traffic lights there, but at the moment as far as I’m aware it’s been said to be not appropriat­e. My personal thought is that traffic lights would be welcome to prevent future accidents.”

 ?? ?? A view of the A52 junction from Tithby Road
A view of the A52 junction from Tithby Road

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