Nottingham Post

Zookeeper hits out at ‘lack of vision’ as plans for sanctuary rejected


- By JOEL MOORE @Joelmoore9­8

COUNCILLOR­S have rejected plans to build an endangered animal sanctuary complex near a village in Nottingham­shire.

Broxtowe Retreat, in Trowell, which also included plans for a themed spa, restaurant and 27 guest lodges, was voted down by Broxtowe Borough Council on Wednesday.

Members of its planning committee raised concerns over its impacts on the green belt, flood risks and traffic.

Reece Oliver, who already keeps exotic animals such as lions and pumas in Strelley, said the decision showed a “lack of vision”.

“They will never stop me, I never give up on what I believe in,” said the 31-year-old, who claimed to have spent £300,000 on the applicatio­n.

A group of animal rights protesters stood outside the entrance to the council office before the meeting, labelling the plans a “glorified zoo”.

One of those, Beeston resident Katie Gilbert, said: “It’s branded as a sanctuary or rescue but as a vegan and campaigner we know a lot of those, and those businesses don’t include a spa, lodges and a restaurant. It’s very important that 100% of the space is dedicated for creatures to roam around.”

Mr Oliver’s sanctuary, which would have included at least 10 enclosures and 120 car parking spaces, promised to be a “unique developmen­t of world class standards”. He said it would have created 60 jobs, with a learning centre for “excellence for conservati­on and education”.

Council officers recommende­d that the committee refuse the 23-acre developmen­t near Station House, stating it would be inappropri­ate for green belt land and harmful to the character and appearance of the area.

Councillor Phillip Owen said members should keep the report’s green belt guidance at the “forefront” of their minds. “I suspect it wouldn’t increase the biodiversi­ty of natural species, but rather the species you expect to find in the middle of Africa,” he said. “Why does an animal sanctuary need a large restaurant and a spa as well? Are the animals going to have a massage in the spa?”

Residents also raised concerns about increased noise and traffic at the site off the A609 Ilkeston Road.

Rodger Gray told the meeting the existing land is important for residents of Trowell so they can “escape the constant presence” of noise and pollution of the M1. “It’s a green lung that takes walkers away from today’s hectic life,” he said. “There’s beauty in the form of green, verdant pasture land, which is also home to a plethora of nature such as badgers, foxes, bees, butterflie­s and owls.”

Councillor Stephen Carr, who was one of two councillor­s to vote in favour of the plans, said: “The council has a past of taking land out of the green belt, the fact that it is sacrosanct is nonsense. Councils do this all over the country regularly.”

He said it would show a “lack of ambition” to turn down the proposal. People both for and against the proposals packed into the room to follow the meeting, with more watching from reception. Councillor Greg Marshall said it was “without a shadow of a doubt the most emotive issue in the time I’ve been on this committee”.

Speaking after the meeting, Mr Oliver said he would appeal against the decision, adding: “Both Labour and the Tories are short-sighted. It’s amazing how little of them read the literature.

“I think other councils would relish this opportunit­y to have such an opportunit­y to have an amazing project. There’s so much red tape, I’m just a young guy who wanted to help animals and local people and I’ve been told no.”

Ms Gilbert said: “It’s a real victory for local nature, I’m fed up of people tarmacing natural habitats.”

 ?? Reece Oliver ??
Reece Oliver

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