Nottingham Post

Former Neighbours star Holly says she backs Lee and will vote Reform


FORMER Neighbours star Holly Valance has backed Reform UK and former Conservati­ve MP Lee Anderson joining the right-wing political group.

The Australian actress and singer, 40, known for her role as Felicity “Flick” Scully in the soap drama, attended former prime minister Liz Truss’s launch of the Popular Conservati­sm movement in London last month.

She also went to Boris and Carrie Johnson’s wedding in the Cotswolds in July 2022 along with her property tycoon husband Nick Candy.

Ms Valance told GB News’s Chopper’s Political Podcast: “Last time I voted (for the) Conservati­ves, next time I’ll be voting Reform (UK).”

When asked about Mr Anderson joining Richard Tice and Nigel Farage’s party, she said: “Yeah.. I support anybody that sticks to what they believe in and isn’t a turncoat, and doesn’t do a million flip-flops and U-turns. “So I have respect for that, even for like nutters on the other side, if you stick to what you believe and you keep reiteratin­g that over years and years, I can always respect that. “I might not agree with you, but I get that more than the changing of the minds and the flipping around and never having any conviction. I think people are sick of that.” She added: “Lee’s moved from Labour to Conservati­ves, now to Reform. It’s really weird because there was this Reform party in Canada in 1993 that ditched the Tories in Canada as well, or got rid of them and blew them to smithereen­s, which is probably what’s going to happen here.

“It’s not that I think that we’re necessaril­y going to have a Reform government.”

Ms Valance has previously said she wants Tory MP and former leader of the House of Commons Jacob Reesmogg to be Prime Minister.

She said that she was “a lefty” when she was younger, but her beliefs have since changed.

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