Nottingham Post

One rule for Tories ... and for everyone else?


IF Diane Abbott had said: “It’s like trying not to be racist but you see Frank Hester mixing with top Tories, and you’re just like… you just want to hate all white men because he’s there ... And I don’t hate all white men at all, but I think he should be shot,” would she have got away with an apology “for being rude”?

Would she have been offered “Christian forgivenes­s” by Michael Gove? If she had donated money to the Labour Party (not that she has Hester’s deep pockets) would Keir Starmer have to pay it back? If she was being offered government contracts (not that she owns a millionair­e business) would they be withdrawn?

I think probably that she would be hounded to resign, the popular press would persecute her and she would receive large numbers of death threats (even more than the ones she has received over the years already).

Keir Starmer would have to disown her completely, withdraw the whip and return the money.

There is a double standard. If you are rich, white and favoured by those in power you will be given an easy ride. Allowances will be made. There’s one rule for you!

But there’s another rule if you’re not. You’d better watch out because you will get squashed – by the wrath of the “principled” and “righteous” who will bring down the weight of wealth and law, plus the power of the gutter press, on your head.

The Conservati­ve Party are rotten to the core, steeped in privilege and “one rule for them and another for everyone else” is just part of their sense of entitlemen­t.

Imagine if a Muslim had said about white men what Hester said about black women!

India Hollow

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