Nottingham Post

Thousands of single mums caught in the poverty trap


THOUSANDS of single mums are caught in a “poverty trap” as figures show more than one in five adult women rely on Universal Credit to make ends meet in Nottingham­shire.

Data from the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) shows 6.4 million people were on Universal Credit (UC) in Britain in January.

Nationally, women make up 58% of people on UC, a proportion that has been growing since May 2020. There are now a million more female claimants than male.

In Nottingham­shire, 12,000 more women are claiming UC than men. It means that 22% of adult women aged between 18 and 65 now claim UC in our area, compared to 17% of adult men. But in some parts of Nottingham­shire, the proportion of women who rely on UC is far higher than in others.

In Nottingham – the area with easily the highest number of claimants – and in Mansfield, more than two in five women claim UC (22%). Meanwhile, in Rushcliffe, only one in 10 women receive UC (10%).

More women than men claim UC in every council area in Nottingham­shire – and across the UK – but the gap is greatest in Bassetlaw where one in five adult women are on the benefit (20%) and only one in seven men (14%).

The charity Gingerbrea­d believes that the difference between the number of male and female claimants can at least be partially explained by the number of single parents, the vast majority of whom are women.

Gingerbrea­d says many single mums are forced to take low-skill, low-pay jobs because the demands of parenthood and the need for flexible working hours automatica­lly rule them out of many better-paid roles in the job market.

But despite this, two in five women claiming UC are in employment (41%) compared to three in 10 men (31%). Gingerbrea­d chief executive Victoria Benson said: “These figures will come as no surprise to the vast majority of single parents – 90% of whom are women.

“Single-parent families have only one household income, so many are forced to rely on UC to make ends meet. As many single mums are the primary carer for their children they are often stuck in jobs below their level of skill or qualificat­ion due to the damaging combinatio­n of a lack of quality, flexible work and expensive childcare.

“We really need this government to pay more attention to the needs of single parents, we need to see all jobs advertised as flexible and UC paid at a realistic rate that reflects the actual cost of living. Otherwise we’ll see more single-parent families stuck in the poverty trap.”

Gender equality charity the Fawcett Society has echoed calls for greater workplace support for parents. Alesha De-freitas, Fawcett Society Head of Policy, said: “Working women are often trapped in lower-paid roles that offer flexibilit­y, or locked out of work altogether on account of looking after others – resulting in, on average, women earning £574 less per month than men.

“Our data has shown time and again that women are at the sharp end of the economic crisis, with 53% of women telling us that if they had more money, they would use it to put on their heating or lights more often. We also know women are more likely to be behind on their household bills.

“There are some quick, effective, and inexpensiv­e ways that employers and our government can better support women – we need to see all jobs advertised as flexible, affordable childcare provision, and a paid parental leave system that allows parents to afford to share caring responsibi­lities.”

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