Nottingham Post

Killing has similariti­es to failings around June 13 attacks, says MP



AN MP says the investigat­ion into the death of a Nottingham­shire grandfathe­r has “many similariti­es” to failings surroundin­g the Nottingham attacks.

Terry Radford was killed by a man who had been released early from a prison sentence the previous day under a scheme which a coroner has since dubbed “prepostero­us.”

The 87-year-old had been waiting for a bus in Mansfield when a car drove into him. He died at the scene. Gavin Collins killed Mr Radford on April 19, 2019, just a day after he was released early from HMP Ranby.

An inquest heard Collins had been released from the jail’s segregatio­n unit where he had been housed because he posed a risk to staff and other prisoners.

Coroner Laurinda Bower said: “The public may rightly be concerned that prisoners deemed ‘too risky’ to reside within the general prison population – with its strict curfews and regime, use of locked cells, and trained prison personnel with protective gear – can still be released early from their sentence under the terms of the policy.”

Collins had been serving a threeyear sentence for burglary and theft. For the killing of Mr Radford he was eventually jailed for 21 years for manslaught­er on the grounds of diminished responsibi­lity.

The killer had been placed in segregatio­n at HMP Ranby after setting fire to his cell twice and injuring a prison staff member with a plastic knife.

Lee Anderson, the Reform UK MP for Ashfield, led a debate about the case in Parliament on Wednesday.

Attended in person by Mr Radford’s family, Mr Anderson ended his opening remarks by saying: “There are many failings in the whole investigat­ion, and many similariti­es, sadly, with the stabbings in Nottingham city last year. The family feel that no lessons have been learned.

“They want to know what actions have been taken against the individual­s responsibl­e, and whether any of them have been dismissed, downgraded or transferre­d from the prison service. The fact that they are not allowed to know makes them feel as if there has been a cover-up. Their wish is that none of these people are still working within the prison service, as that would be an absolute travesty.”

Speaking directly to the justice minister attending, Mr Anderson added: “I want to ask the minister to look at the family here in the public gallery. This family, who lost Terry. We have two of his sons here, they have lost their dad, their loving father.

“They have come here today for justice. They want closure. I want him to look at them in the eyes when he rises to speak and to tell them what happened to those governors.”

Despite Mr Anderson’s pleas, the justice minister was unable to confirm what action had been taken against those who made the decision to release Gavin Collins early.

Edward Argar said: “In the light of the investigat­ion, [the prison and probation service] did decide that there were sufficient grounds to bring disciplina­ry proceeding­s against staff at the prison... Although it pains me, I am legally unable to disclose the details of those disciplina­ry proceeding­s, as I am advised that to do so would be acting in breach of the law.”

The minister also said Mr Anderson could join him for a meeting with prison and probation service officials to discuss the disciplina­ry process. The minister also pledged that the framework to release someone under the home detention curfew scheme was being strengthen­ed.

Mr Anderson responded by saying: “The family will be very disappoint­ed with the outcome of the debate. I know that. Although I was encouraged by some of the things the minister said about strengthen­ing the framework... we have governors who cannot carry out the most basic of tasks.

“Anybody in this room today would know that Mr Collins should not have been released on that day. Strengthen­ing frameworks is all well and good, but when there is incompeten­ce at the highest level, they are supposed to be carrying out the framework, it will not work.”

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 ?? ?? Terry Radford died after he was run down by Gavin Collins a day after Collins was released from jail
Terry Radford died after he was run down by Gavin Collins a day after Collins was released from jail
 ?? ?? Gavin Collins
Gavin Collins

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