Nottingham Post

Old school tie is holding up progress


WHO is the Government listening to? Not the citizens who elect them – it seems the old school tie is more important. We do need a strong economy, but one fit for the 21st century with less polluting fuels, more efficient products that use less energy, and good quality food available to everyone.

We’re never going to get this if the Government only listens to old industries unwilling to change.

The oil industry is losing out to renewables, but rather than speeding up change they are cancelling green initiative­s and concentrat­ing on getting concession­s from our energy minister.

The gas boiler industry has been presented with an achievable transition to heat pumps but they reacted by arbitraril­y increasing the cost of gas boilers and then falsely arguing that it was necessary, blackmaili­ng the energy secretary to grant a delay.

The car industry had a long term plan to gradually introduce electric cars, but this has been put back, causing confusion to drivers and investors, due to lobbying by a few firms who gambled on hydrogen fuels.

Food companies managed to derail every recommenda­tion by the Food Tsar appointed to advise on children’s health and he resigned in disgust.

Bad landlords have successful­ly lobbied to avoid having to improve properties for tenants, and to retain no-fault evictions to remove those who ask for repairs, or question excessive rent rises. It goes on and on. We could be proud of the economy and its world-beating companies; we need energy security and falling prices; we deserve clean air, affordable food and longer, healthier lives; we deserve comfortabl­e and secure housing. This will become harder and harder to achieve if we allow the old vested interests to block every regulatory change that’s designed to give us a flourishin­g economy.

It’s time to change the record in government.

Emma Tsoneva

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