Nottingham Post

Hole lot of frustratio­n over state of our roads



POST readers have been having their say on the dangerous state of roads in the area.

The condition of Nottingham’s roads, especially the A60 Mansfield Road, has been a hot topic.

The Government has suggested a £2.2 million cash boost for improvemen­ts on this road and others seen as the country’s most risky routes.

But locals have voiced their worries and annoyance about the current state of these roads.

These improvemen­ts could include designing new junctions, signs and road markings being improved, laying new road surfacing and improvemen­ts for pedestrian­s.

A main issue that residents are talking about on Mansfield Road is the lack of safety for pedestrian­s.

One reader, Livesinhop­e, said: “I live in Sherwood and use Mansfield Road a lot in both directions, the junctions and the roads going off – they are DREADFUL – I am so pleased I don’t ride a bike anymore, the potholes ruin my suspension and tracking – so not only do we pay road tax but we pay to fix our cars – the only positive outcome is that it slows traffic down as it isn’t quite so cool to zoom over bumpy potholes.”

Another reader said: “Blame the city council who divert urgent road repair money on pointless white elephants like the new footbridge to Lady Bay, cycle superhighw­ays.

“The main point is that there is money to fix the atrocious and unsafe city roads but the farcical and grossly negligent city council would rather burn the money and needless vanity projects, hence why the city is a bankrupt joke.”

Speaking of potholes, Gul786 said: “They’re everywhere, and they’ve never been bothered to repair. Number of times our cars have been damaged by broken roads, deep potholes... even the main roads, look at Queen’s Drive before the Castle Marina turning, and too many others to list. They won’t spend the money we give them back on improving things for us motorists, yet they’re quick on giving fines to motorists. No free parking anywhere any more, even parks to take families to. Greedy council [has] been taking but giving nothing in return.”

Trushy said: “I have been around Nottingham today and it seems all the roads are in a bad way there are potholes everywhere.”

Redforest commented: “I’ve noticed they’ve been doing a few short roads but nothing on the main ones. We don’t want small holes filled as they don’t last. Long lengths of road need doing correctly.”

Ducky commented that it is not just a local issue but a national one by saying: “It’s a national scandal. The roads in and around our towns are disgracefu­l and dangerous. Where is all the money going?”

Pbolguidhi­r says: “I’m an American who just got his UK driving licence here. My driving instructor kept telling me to look at the road markings. They’re a joke. They’re not maintained, and they’re unreadable. Locals don’t notice because they already know their way around.

“You should be thinking about visitors, that is where the danger is.”

Shand20 said: “It is no wonder the roads are the way they are.

“I watched a pothole being filled in Calverton where the guy doing it just poured some stuff in it and pressed it down with his foot before driving off.

“If you’re not going to fill the holes properly and seal it then it’s just going to fail.”

 ?? JOSEPH RAYNOR ?? A pothole in Florence Road, Porchester
JOSEPH RAYNOR A pothole in Florence Road, Porchester

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