Nottingham Post

‘Horrendous’ dog attack leaves woman in shock



A NOTTINGHAM­SHIRE woman has been left in shock after a dog bit her elbow while she was shielding her five-month-old puppy.

Jane Cole, 59, from Mapperley, was walking her Dachshund puppy and her Doberman with her daughter and partner on Woodthorpe Grange Park on March 25 when two other dogs came from behind and attacked the puppy.

The business owner thinks the two dogs were French bulldogs.

Although she and her family shouted at their owners to get their dogs off, they didn’t seem to care and said they were just playing, says Jane.

She then picked up her puppy to shield him but was bitten on the elbow by one of the dogs. Although the dog didn’t pierce Jane’s skin because of her clothing, her elbow was swollen and bruised by the attack, which left her “in tears and a lot of pain”, and unable to work for a few days.

Jane said: “What was supposed to be a nice walk turned out to be quite horrendous. “It wouldn’t have been so bad if the owners were a bit more responsibl­e and sympatheti­c, but they were rude and not concerned at all.

“It was a complete nightmare and I was in complete shock as it all happened so quickly and I’d never been bitten by a dog before.” Jane has been walking her dogs on the park for more than 30 years and has never had an issue.

She says she is now scared to take her pets on a walk again and that her partner has been taking them out since the incident.

“I am really nervous about going out again.

“I will go out again at some point because I’ve got to, but, at the minute, my partner’s just been taking the dogs out for me.

“I’m a bit scared about bumping into them [the owners].

“It’s taken me a bit of time to get over it and it’s horrible. I just can’t believe it. I dread to think what a little kid would go through if a dog mauled them – horrendous.”

Jane added that the bite has now turned into a hematoma, which might require draining in the future.

She explained she has also been in touch with a personal injury claim company following the incident as she wasn’t able to work for a few days due to the pain.

A Nottingham­shire Police spokespers­on said: “We are aware of this incident and are investigat­ing it.”

It was a complete nightmare and I was in complete shock as it all happened so quickly

Jane Cole

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 ?? JANE COLE ?? Jane Cole says she has never had a problem in Woodthorpe Grange Park before
Inset below: The bitten elbow which left Jane unable to work for days
JANE COLE Jane Cole says she has never had a problem in Woodthorpe Grange Park before Inset below: The bitten elbow which left Jane unable to work for days
 ?? JANE COLE ?? Jane’s two dogs, which she was walking at the time of the attack
JANE COLE Jane’s two dogs, which she was walking at the time of the attack

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