Nottingham Post

Erratic mugger told his victim, ‘I’m not a thief’



A 25-YEAR-OLD Nottingham man robbed and terrorised a young Tesco worker in broad daylight.

In what a judge called an outburst of “odd, bizarre and aggressive” behaviour, Kyle Goodman showed his victim a knife in his waistband and told him he would stab him if he did not hand over his phone.

He took the 17-year-old’s wallet and then returned it, saying he was not a thief, then asking him, “where am I?” and “what have you got for me?” before stealing his bike, phone and headphones.

In a victim impact statement, the now 19-year-old told how people drove past and did nothing to stop what was happening to him.

Handing Goodman, of no fixed address, a 16-month jail term, suspended for 18 months, Recorder Stuart Sprawson told Goodman: “In his victim impact statement, he says he has not only suffered financiall­y but has also described how he is nervous to go out on the street and has begun to suffer with his mental health, just as you do.

“(In your psychiatri­c report) the doctor says you are prone to impulsive behaviour and show low self esteem. He says you have little support and that you are somewhat lonely and isolated.

“He feels you can be managed in the community and so does the probation service.”

Thomas Welshman, prosecutin­g, said the robbery took place as the victim cycled home from work wearing his Tesco uniform and Goodman was crossing the A52 near Bardills Garden Centre, Stapleford, on Sunday October 30, 2022.

He said the defendant stopped the teenager and began to ask him a series of bizarre questions.

The prosecutor said: “He asked him ‘where am I?’ and the victim replied ‘you are in Stapleford’ to which the defendant said ‘I am from Bulwell.’

“He then became aggressive and said to him ‘what have you got for me?’ to which the victim replied ‘I do not have any money.’

“He then demanded his wallet then gave it back to him, saying, ‘I am not a thief’ and then took his phone off him and hit him in the face with the bottom of it. He then said to him ‘if you don’t unlock your phone I will stab you’ and lifted his waistband to show him a knife which the victim said looked like a kitchen knife.”

Mr Welshman said Goodman then left having stolen his bike, phone and Airpod headphones and the victim was able to go home and tell his father what had happened. The police were called.

Goodman was identified, arrested and later pleaded guilty to robbery.

In his victim impact statement, the teenager said: “After this incident I struggled with sleeping because of the confrontat­ion thinking what might have happened. I was riding home from working at Tesco in my uniform. It was daylight, people were going past but no-one was helping me.”

Raglan Ashton, mitigating, said his client’s bizarre behaviour was “completely out of character”.

As part of the suspense sentence order, the judge ordered the defendant to carry out 25 rehabilita­tion sessions, 80 hours unpaid work and to attend a six-month drug treatment programme.

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