Nottingham Post

Notts roads to be fixed with cash from HS2


COUNCILS have confirmed the Nottingham­shire roads to be resurfaced using money that would have been spent on HS2.

Nottingham City Council and Nottingham­shire County Council aim to complete work on dozens of roads by the year’s end. Projects include preventati­ve work on Wollaton Road and resurfacin­g Colwick Loop Road.

It comes after the leg of HS2 that would have brought the line to the East Midlands was scrapped by Rishi Sunak last year. The Prime Minister said the money would instead be used on local transport projects across the country.

The city council said: “This additional carriagewa­y maintenanc­e programme has been put together using the latest condition data to increase the number of roads within the city brought up to a satisfacto­ry standard. To ensure the funds go as far as possible, the programme is made up of both standard carriagewa­y resurfacin­g and preventati­ve maintenanc­e.

“This approach will allow us to cover a larger area and improve more roads within the city. The funds have been utilised in full.”

Roads set to be repaired are:


■ Bentinck Road - resurfacin­g

■ Cardale Road - resurfacin­g

■ Springwood Gardens resurfacin­g

■ Wollaton Road - carriagewa­y preventati­ve maintenanc­e

■ Faraday Road - maintenanc­e

■ Percy Street - maintenanc­e

■ Gregory Street - maintenanc­e

■ Aspley Lane - maintenanc­e

■ Lenton Lane - maintenanc­e

■ Garden Street - maintenanc­e

■ Mapperley Rise - maintenanc­e


■ A6191 Southwell Road West, Mansfield - resurfacin­g

■ A612 Colwick Loop Road, Stoke Lane - resurfacin­g

■ A610 Kimberley Bypass, Kimberley - resurfacin­g

■ A38 Kings Mill Road East ( Sutton in Ashfield Carriagewa­y) resurfacin­g

■ Holly Road/high Spannia/cliff Boulevard (Kimberley Carriagewa­y) - resurfacin­g

■ Westdale Lane ( Carlton Carriagewa­y) - resurfacin­g

■ Burgh Hall Close, Chilwell drainage improvemen­ts

■ A38 Alfreton Road, Sutton in Ashfield - resurfacin­g

■ A620 Moorgate, Retford resurfacin­g

■ A617 Rainworth Bypass, Eastbound carriagewa­y resurfacin­g

■Spring Lane, Lambley resurfacin­g

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