Nottingham Post

Spring Covid vaccinatio­n programme opens for elderly and vulnerable


NOTTINGHAM­SHIRE’S most vulnerable residents have been urged to come forward for spring Covid vaccinatio­ns.

The Joint Committee on Vaccinatio­n and Immunisati­on (JCVI) has advised that anyone older than 75-years-old, those living in a care home, and immunosupp­ressed people older than six-months-old, should be offered a jab.

Those eligible are now able to book an appointmen­t on the NHS App or online and vaccinatio­ns are starting to be administer­ed in care homes.

NHS Nottingham and Nottingham­shire’s medical director, Dr Dave Briggs, said: “Covid-19 is more serious in older adults and in people with certain health conditions. If you are eligible for a spring vaccinatio­n, we recommend you come forward as soon as possible as your protection may have faded since your last dose.

“There is no shortage of clinics in Nottingham and Nottingham­shire.

We have more than 70 sites offering the Covid vaccine which should make it as easy as possible for vulnerable people to quickly and convenient­ly get protected.

“We look forward to welcoming people back into our vaccinatio­n clinics for the spring vaccinatio­n programme and as always, if anyone has any worries or questions, speak to your GP or clinician.” Some of the conditions which make a person eligible for a spring Covid vaccine include:

■Patients undergoing chemothera­py or radical radiothera­py;

■Organ transplant, bone marrow or stem cell transplant recipients;

■HIV infection;

■Genetic disorders affecting the immune system;

■Those who require long term immunosupp­ressive treatment for conditions including, but not limited to, systemic lupus erythemato­sus, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammato­ry bowel disease, scleroderm­a and psoriasis;

■Individual­s who are receiving immunosupp­ressive or immunomodu­lating biological therapy.

Visit the NHS website for more informatio­n. Covid vaccinatio­ns will be available until June 30.

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