Nottingham Post

Economic chief insists council must replace ‘dilapidate­d’ buildings


NOTTINGHAM­SHIRE County Council’s economic chief has insisted the authority needs to replace some of its “dilapidate­d” buildings after the £5 million cost of one of them was criticised.

Councillor Keith Girling, the council’s cabinet member for economic developmen­t and asset management, says some of the Conservati­ve-run authority’s facilities are currently in an “embarrassi­ng” state and that replacing or upgrading them is what the public needs.

The council previously estimated in 2020 that the cost of building its new Worksop office, as well as the relocation of some Retford services, would be around £2.75 million. The latest estimate for the Worksop office alone, published late in March, is £4,836,600.

The building of the new Worksop base comes on top of ongoing work to build a new headquarte­rs at the former Top Wighay farm site, due to cost £18.3 million. The figures were criticised by Councillor Jason Zadrozny, the leader of the Independen­t Alliance opposition group, who said the cost of new council buildings was getting “out of control.”

Explaining the reason for the increase in the estimated cost, Councillor Girling said: “This is all pre-covid, pre-ukraine war, and we’ve all seen what’s happened to the cost of materials, but it’s not just that. We’re putting an access road in which will release some of the land next to [the new office], which will bring us a receipt in.

“We’ve added that on for a start, and then obviously the demolition costs now. From my point of view, families deserve to have a facility that’s fit for purpose and this is part of doing that.”

The new Worksop building will primarily be used to deliver services for children and families, services which are currently delivered from three bungalows. The council says the new building on Newgate Street will provide an improved environmen­t for children and families and help to boost the recruitmen­t of staff.

Councillor Girling, responding to criticism that the new council facilities were luxury buildings, said: “To suggest that a place for families to get together is a luxury building is quite despicable really. People in Nottingham­shire deserve to have places to meet where the facilities are fit for purpose.

“We’ve recognised the buildings aren’t right, we’ve recognised that they need something doing to them, that’s what we’re doing... It’s a phenomenal annual bill running all of our buildings. That’s why we’ve done the estate rationalis­ation programme to look at what buildings we actually need, what ones are fit for purpose and this is part of that. The building that they’re in now is not fit for purpose, it’s quite embarrassi­ng having families meet there.

“Maybe at the moment we might not personally benefit from [the new offices]. It’s like the saying isn’t it, you plant a tree for your grandchild­ren to sit under.

“Councillor Zadrozny doesn’t have a vision. He’s got no idea of how things work and how things operate and if all he thinks is we’re just building something to be a luxury building then he’s completely wrong and hasn’t got a clue.” Councillor Zadrozny previously accused the Conservati­ves running the county council of being “fiscally incompeten­t.”

The new headquarte­rs at Top Wighay, which will replace County Hall in West Bridgford and which is set to be known as Oak House, is due to be completed in 2025.

Asked whether the predicted cost of both the Top Wighay and Worksop sites could rise any further, Councillor Girling added: “I hope not. Who can predict what’s going to happen? We’re keeping a tight rein on things.”

 ?? ?? Cllr Keith Girling, cabinet member for economic developmen­t and asset management, and Ben Bradley, leader of Nottingham­shire County Council. Right, the criticism from Councillor Jason Zadrozny
Cllr Keith Girling, cabinet member for economic developmen­t and asset management, and Ben Bradley, leader of Nottingham­shire County Council. Right, the criticism from Councillor Jason Zadrozny
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