Nottingham Post

Katie ‘disgusted’ by unknown cat killer



A TEENAGER from Cotgrave says she’s disgusted after an unknown assailant shot her pet cat Tommy, which led to him being put to sleep.

Katie Mcnab, 18, had looked after the four-year-old cat since he had come to the family at just six weeks old.

He was found by the family paralysed from the waist down on Tuesday last week after being shot with a pellet gun. The pellet entered his spine.

The family hoped he would recover but vets recommende­d he be put down and he died the next morning.

Katie said: “It’s disgusting. It disgusts me that someone has that mindset to go out and shoot animals. We were all just in shock, asking ‘who the hell could do that?.’

“That is someone’s family pet. They leave a massive hole in your heart whenever they pass.”

Miss Mcnab was at her partner’s house that evening. She opened Facebook on returning home and the first thing she saw was a picture of Tommy with the news that he was “badly injured”.

Immediatel­y panicking, she “ran out of the house” to find him and was told by her brother that he had been found with his “legs dangling behind him”.

Distraught Katie said it was initially thought he had been hit by a car.

The family took hom to emergency vets, where they were told that Tommy would have to stay overnight. An X-ray at 1.30am showed the damage to Tommy’s spine.

The vets agreed to keep Tommy in overnight for observatio­n but rang Katie’s mother back at 4.45am to explain that he was in pain and couldn’t urinate on his own because he couldn’t stand up or squat.

They advised that the best course of action was to have him put to sleep, with surgery expected to cost around £7,000.

The family asked if the vets could wait so they could be with him but were told that the amount of pain he was in meant it was better to take action sooner.

Katie said: “My mum came into my room and told me at 6am. I just burst into tears. I just wasn’t expecting to hear that. We thought he was going to make it.

“He was the family cat but I was his mum. We were always close and he was always with me.

“We had a special thing where he would stretch out his legs on to my head and chest and sat on my shoulder. I’m definitely going to miss that.”

 ?? ?? Katie Mcnab says she burst into tears when she found out Tommy had been put to sleep
Katie Mcnab says she burst into tears when she found out Tommy had been put to sleep

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