Nottingham Post

Woman jumped to safety after man set fire to flat


A MAN smashed a window to break into a Mansfield Mcdonald’s and left with a bag of food before setting fire to his own flat days later.

Nottingham­shire Police says the fire started by 24-year-old Scott Goulding, of Shireoaks Court in Mansfield, could have had “catastroph­ic consequenc­es” and that one woman had to jump out of a window to safety.

Residents in his block of flats had to evacuate the building, with the blaze having been started when a Christmas tree, mattress and two tables stacked in the corner of Goulding’s flat were set alight.

Goulding has now been jailed for three years and four months after a Nottingham Crown Court appearance on Friday, having pleaded guilty to burglary and arson with recklessne­ss as to whether life was endangered.

Goulding’s offending began at 1.20am on January 4, 2024, when he was captured on CCTV breaking into a Mcdonald’s on Oakleaf Close. Goulding is seen on the CCTV footage smashing the window with his bare hands and climbing in, returning with a full bag of food.

Emergency services were then called to Shireoaks Court two days later after residents reported a flat in a block of four apartments being on fire at around 5.30am.

People had to flee from the properties and Goulding was eventually found lying on the floor outside the block of flats and was passing in and out of consciousn­ess. Other residents reported Goulding had moments earlier apologised to them and admitted setting fire to the flat.

Police investigat­ions revealed that Goulding had returned to Shireoaks Court in the early hours of the morning and was heard throwing items around his flat. Detective Constable Kate Hardy said: “To set fire to a flat in a residentia­l area shows a blatant disregard for the life of other people living in that block of flats and the wider neighbourh­ood. If the flames hadn’t been brought under control so quickly, this fire could have had catastroph­ic consequenc­es.”

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