Nottingham Post

Teenager stabbed former pal and left him for dead



A TEENAGER left his former school friend for dead on the side of the road after stabbing him multiple times in a premeditat­ed attack.

Finelson Galiano, now aged 18, hid in the undergrowt­h on June 22, 2023 so that he could ambush the victim as he went home from the gym.

Galiano stabbed the teenager in the neck, arm and back, and left him with life-threatenin­g injuries in Nottingham Road, Cinderhill. Police found the victim at around 9.55pm, nursing his injuries and he was rushed to the Queen’s Medical Centre where he underwent emergency surgery to stabilise his condition. However, whilst the treatment was able to help him, the victim has been left with life-altering injuries.

Police who attended the scene were able to identify Galiano as the attacker that night. He was arrested at his home, and during a search, officers found cannabis in his bedroom.

Galiano, of Honiton Road, Nottingham, pleaded guilty to wounding with intent and possession of cannabis. The teenager appeared at Nottingham Crown Court on Thursday, April 25, where he was sentenced to six years in a young offenders’ institutio­n.

Detective Inspector Lisa Jones, of Nottingham­shire Police, said: “Galiano made no comment during interviews. However, through investigat­ive work detectives believe this violent attack was due to a fall out between two teenagers.

“Galiano left his home equipped with a knife, found the victim, hid in some bushes and carried out an unprovoked, premeditat­ed attack. The victim and witnesses to the attack have been very brave and I am grateful for their help in achieving this outcome.”

“Thankfully, the victim is now much better due to emergency treatment at hospital but his injuries are life-altering.

“The incident could have been even more serious given Galiano stabbed him and then left him by the roadside.”

 ?? ?? Finelson Galiano
Finelson Galiano

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