Nottingham Post

Attacker punched man, stabbed another – then ‘casually’ walked away


A VIOLENT offender has been jailed for brutally stabbing a man outside a pub then “casually” walking away.

Tyrone James, 41, of Balmoral Grove, Hucknall, attacked his victim on Station Street, Kirkby-in-ashfield, in the early hours of October 22 last year.

The victim suffered stab wounds to his back and torso and was left with life-altering injuries. The attack came just moments after James punched another man in the face.

He had been drinking at various pubs that night and threatened people, leaving his final pub shortly after midnight.

He then drove home to Hucknall but returned to Kirkby 35 minutes later after changing his clothes.

James, pictured right, was captured on CCTV getting out of his car and putting a knife in his waistband, as well as a balaclava over his head and face, which he was wearing when he first punched a man on Station Road.

He then launched the sustained attack with the knife on his second victim.

James, 41, then walked away before CCTV cameras captured him running back to his car and driving away.

Officers also used ANPR technology to reveal the movements of his car and mobile phone evidence to prove his location.

James was jailed for eight years at Leicester Crown Court on Friday.

He pleaded guilty to committing grievous bodily harm with intent, possessing an offensive weapon in a public place, and assault by beating at Nottingham Crown Court on January 3.

Detective Inspector James Oakton, of Nottingham­shire Police, said: “This was a savage attack committed in front of a number of onlookers who were spilling out of a town centre pub.

“It appears James had an argument earlier in the evening before driving home. He had plenty of time to think about what to do next. He chose to change his clothes and return with a knife and his face covered. He then punched one man before launching a sustained attack with the weapon on a second victim.

“The decisions James made that night have directly led to a victim suffering life-altering injuries and himself ending up behind bars.

DI Oakton added: “Our officers continue to work hard investigat­ing knife crime as a key force priority, putting offenders before the courts and educating people about the dangers of carrying them.”

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