Nottingham Post

Make a noise for libraries

- Lynda Blakeley

RECENTLY I had the joy of visiting two libraries in Nottingham, one in Sneinton and one in the city Centre. Both these buildings were so bright and as I walked in I was struck by how vibrant they were as a hub of community!

This was a different experience from when I was young – although I loved going to the library with my Dad and taking time to choose a good read I was also on edge so I didn’t make a noise! The most frequent thing I heard there was “shhhhhhh”.

The libraries in Nottingham were a huge contrast to this experience as there was laughter, coffee areas, conversati­on and a very warm welcome with wonderful staff. There were children playing, students studying and I felt so thankful to be in a warm and bright space surrounded by a wealth of words. So many books that I would love to read! I often feel in bookshops and libraries that I wish I could soak up all the words by simply standing there as I know that there will never be enough hours to read all that I want to!

Books have played a significan­t part of my own life as a way to relax and escape reality at times or as a way of learning about other parts of the world or times of history that I can never travel to! Books help me learn about different cultures and see many situations from such different perspectiv­es. Books have nourished me in my faith and given me comfort in times of grief and trauma.

In our church we always read and reflect on words in the Bible as we want to learn more about the life of Jesus and see what these words can teach us about who we are and how we are loved. Although there are thousands of books on this subject the beautiful gift of grace is that knowing Jesus is not dependant on reading these thousands of words. Of course words are important but the relationsh­ip with Christ is what we are drawn into and can feed us in ways that millions of words can never do.

Books are so important and we are so privileged in this city that we have access to books and freedom to choose what we read. I hope that we can continue to treasure the libraries and book shops that we have so all people have access to learn more about themselves and the world around us.

I hope that people can continue to share a good read with a friend or a few lines of poetry that can spark comfort, joy, imaginatio­n and creativity in a profound way. ■■Rev Lynda Blakeley is curate at St Stephen’s with St Matthias, Sneinton

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