Nottingham Post

Man banned from making 999 calls after he cost NHS £30k


AN Ashfield man who assaulted healthcare workers, has been banned from calling 999.

The man bruised a paramedic’s arm and punched a healthcare worker in the chest, with one of the incidents taking place whilst he was “heavily intoxicate­d.”

Stephen Deville, 67, of Willowbrid­ge Lane in Sutton-inashfield, appeared at Mansfield Magistrate­s’ Court on April 9 and pleaded guilty to two counts of assaulting emergency workers. The first attack took place on August 31, last year, after a paramedic attended Deville’s address.

As the paramedic attempted to treat Deville, he pushed the paramedic and resisted their help. Eventually arriving at the King’s Mill Hospital, Deville grabbed the paramedic’s arm and twisted it, causing bruising.

The second assault took place on December 2, 2023, when Deville punched a healthcare worker in the chest after being told he would have to wait for food in hospital.

Deville (pictured) was made the subject of a community order, requiring him to undergo rehabilita­tive activity and to pay victim compensati­on totalling £375.

Following the initial court appearance, a second hearing at Mansfield Magistrate­s’ Court on May 2 resulted in a criminal behaviour order being imposed.

It came after evidence showed that Deville made 534 calls to 999 during 2022, costing the NHS £31,934.43.

Between January 1 and January 17 in 2023 alone, Deville made another 86 calls to the 999 service, costing a further £3,354.87 to the NHS.

The criminal behaviour order lasts until May 2027 and stops Deville contacting any emergency service unless there is a genuine emergency or threat to life.

PC Norris, from Sutton’s neighbourh­ood policing team, said: “Deville and his behaviour has been concerning to many of our paramedic and firefighte­r colleagues, and his continued and persistent calling has diverted numerous resources from attending actual emergencie­s.

“The courts have taken the time to review the evidence brought forward thanks to our multi-agency working, and have agreed that Deville’s behaviour was anti-social and that an order was necessary to mitigate and prevent it happening more. The order sets out quite plainly what Deville can and cannot do, and should he make the choice to continue his anti-social behaviour and disregard the order, Deville will be brought before the courts again.”

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