Nottingham Post

Outgoing PCC is getting a puppy to make up for loss


CAROLINE Henry says she feared her defeat as Nottingham­shire Police and Crime Commission­er was coming, but has denied that her speeding offences played a role.

Labour’s Gary Godden now takes office as Mrs Henry prepares to meet the new puppy that she promised herself if she lost.

Mrs Henry was elected Nottingham­shire PCC in 2021, defeating Labour’s Paddy Tipping, who had previously held the role since its creation in 2012. Mrs Henry’s time in office has included securing millions of pounds of funding under the Government’s “safer streets” programme, with initiative­s including more CCTV cameras and more patrols.

Yet her time in office was also overshadow­ed by the five speeding offences that she was convicted of in court. She left court in July 2022 with a total fine of £2,450 and a six-month driving ban.

When asked what caused her defeat after the election result was declared at the Rushcliffe Arena on Friday, Mrs Henry said: “I think this is a national picture. Our Conservati­ve voters stayed at home, there hasn’t been a massive increase in the Labour vote, it’s just our Conservati­ve voters haven’t come out this time and that’s the issue for us.

“I did worry that it was coming, I’m always an optimist and a glass half full kind of girl, but actually I only had a three per cent majority last time so I always knew that it would be a tough battle to win again.

“I’m really proud of what I’ve done as Police and Crime Commission­er and actually the office that I leave behind will really deliver for the community of Nottingham­shire.”

The Conservati­ve candidate achieved 77,148 votes, compared to Gary Godden’s 119,355. The Liberal

Democrat candidate, David Watts, achieved 32,410 votes.

When asked what came next for her, Mrs Henry said: “If I didn’t win today I was going to be getting a puppy. So I’m looking forward to meeting the puppy on Sunday.”

Darren Henry, the Conservati­ve MP for Broxtowe and Caroline Henry’s husband, was also at the count.

When the Post approched him for comment Mrs Henry quickly intervened to stop the interview before it started, telling her husband: “It’s not about you today darling.”

In a speech after his victory, Mr Godden, a former Nottingham­shire Police officer who served for 15 years with the force, said: “To the electorate, thank you for electing for me. I am humbled, I appreciate the mandate that you’ve given me for Nottingham­shire.

“Nottingham­shire has a rich history of policing and I am looking to add to that history in the right way.

“It’s time to move forward, it’s time to improve, it’s time to work with our communitie­s. To all those who voted for me, and those who didn’t, I will look to serve Nottingham­shire to the best of my ability and make Nottingham­shire safer.”

The future of the PCC role in Nottingham­shire is uncertain given the creation of the new East Midlands Combined Combined Authority.

As part of preparatio­ns for this authority, it has previously been suggested that the police forces covering Nottingham­shire and Derbyshire could be merged.

Other options could also see directly-elected Police and Crime Commission­ers being scrapped.

The Police and Crime Commission­ers could be replaced by two deputy mayors, one for Nottingham­shire and one for Derbyshire, though these would not be elected.

 ?? JOSEPH RAYNOR ?? Newly-elected Nottingham­shire Police and Crime Commission­er Gary Godden delivers a victory speech alongside candidates Caroline Henry and David Watts
JOSEPH RAYNOR Newly-elected Nottingham­shire Police and Crime Commission­er Gary Godden delivers a victory speech alongside candidates Caroline Henry and David Watts

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