Nottingham Post

Daughter called police on drink-driving mum


A MUM was caught behind the wheel of a car over the drink-drive limit after her daughter called the police on her.

Alison Traynor, of Rosecroft Drive, Daybrook, then failed to provide a sample at the police station, having blown over the limit when she was asked to at the roadside on April 3.

Nottingham Magistrate­s’ Court heard how the single mum had felt pressured by her 12-year-old daughter, who has additional needs, to buy her something from the shop. But the shop was out of stock of the item.

When she revealed the news to her daughter “all hell broke loose” outside and Traynor turned to drink before getting behind the wheel of her Nissan Juke.

Her daughter called the police, who turned up and arrested her after she blew a reading of 74mg of alcohol per 100ml of breath – the legal limit is 35mg. She appeared at court on Friday for sentencing after pleading guilty to failing to provide a sample on April 5.

Throughout the hearing she sobbed as evidence was read out.

Speaking on her behalf, defence solicitor Nadir Prabatani said Traynor had been “battling” to try to find support and a diagnosis for her daughter, who has significan­t difficulti­es.

He said only since her charge had social services become involved.

Traynor, 39, had previous conviction­s for drink-driving in 2009, 2011 and 2021.

Giving her credit for her guilty plea at the first opportunit­y but noting her previous conviction­s and the aggravatio­n of her daughter being in the car at the time, magistrate Eleri De Gilbert handed her an eightweek jail sentence reduced from 12 weeks, suspended for 12 months.

She told Traynor: “You were putting an awful lot of people at risk.”

The magistrate also banned Traynor from driving for five years and ordered her to pay total costs of £239.

At the end of the hearing, Traynor told the bench: “I’m sorry and I’m grateful for your understand­ing. I am very sorry. So sorry.”

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