Nottingham Post

Letter funded by Labour was on city council headed paper



A COMPLAINT has been made about a “lack of transparen­cy” surroundin­g a letter sent out to residents by two Nottingham councillor­s.

Nottingham City Council has confirmed that it has received the complaint made to its chief executive and legal director and that it will now be looking into the matter.

A letter sent out to those living in the Castle ward in January by Matt Shannon and Sam Lux detailed the financial impacts of the council’s effective declaratio­n of bankruptcy in November 2023. The letter was sent in January on official city council-headed paper.

A Freedom of Informatio­n request has now revealed the letter was funded in full by Nottingham Labour, the political party which has the most members in the city, rather than the council itself.

Lloydie James Lloyd, campaigns coordinato­r for the Nottingham Liberal Democrats, has raised concerns about council resources being used incorrectl­y.

Mr Lloyd said: “This lack of transparen­cy is troubling. Anyone would think this is a city council letter but the council has denied funding it. The council have admitted the Labour Party funded, printed and distribute­d this letter. Why is this not mentioned anywhere in the letter? This letter appears to be Labour Party use of a council resource.

“It should either have been on council-headed paper and paid for by the council or branded up as a Labour let

ter and paid for by the Labour Party.

“It should always be clear if it is the council speaking or the Labour Party and in this instance it’s not so much that the lines have been blurred - they have been completely hidden from sight. The public have a right to know who signed off on this.”

It is understood it is not unusual for councillor­s to send letters to residents on city council-headed paper, but the authority will now be investigat­ing.

Addressing what was then the proposal to send commission­ers into Nottingham, something now a reality, the January letter said: “Michael Gove has notified the council that he is ‘minded to’ send commission­ers to take over some of its democratic functions. We do not believe this would be useful or justified...

“We believe that sending commission­ers in to the council would mean that decisions are not accountabl­e to those who live in Nottingham and would damage our ability to do our job in representi­ng you on the council.”

 ?? ?? Labour councillor­s Matt Shannon and Sam Lux
Labour councillor­s Matt Shannon and Sam Lux

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