Nottingham Post



ARIES March 21–April 20

You need to take control of your habits if you are to lead a healthier lifestyle. If you know that breaking a bad habit will improve your health, then now is the time to make an effort. Really think about the end goal. You will benefit from a partner’s stroke of good fortune.

TAURUS April 21-May 21

Someone you had thought of as a friend turns tail and runs at the first sign of trouble. You could have got through this together but it is clear now they think of no one but themselves. This makes you appreciate more than ever the feelings of trust and security other friendship­s give you.

GEMINI May 22-June 21

You are demanding too much from yourself in order to please everyone. This makes you more self-critical than usual. Accept the fact that some people will be disappoint­ed simply because you haven’t the time to do everything you hope to do. Practice self-acceptance.

CANCER June 22-July 23

Donating time and money to a charitable cause will give you a lot of satisfacti­on. You are doing your bit to help make this world a better place. If you’re trying to promote a new initiative, lead by example. People are more likely to offer their support when they see your dedication and enthusiasm.

LEO July 24-Aug 23

People will sense it when you are not being totally honest with them. You may be good at acting but someone will pick up on the fact that you aren’t being your true authentic self when you are with them. A youngster in the family will be highly sensitive to mixed messages.

VIRGO Aug 24-Sept 23

Spending a little time lost in thoughts and daydreams is not as unproducti­ve as it might sound. Play with those ideas in your mind and this can open windows of possibilit­ies. It’s worth thinking about enrolling on a new course of study or book that trip you have been planning.

LIBRA Sept 24–Oct 23

A heart-to-heart discussion will remind you of a time when you weren’t respected or understood by someone that you had trusted. It is a risk to make yourself so vulnerable but you need to reveal your true feelings if a new partner is to understand you. You need to be your true self.

SCORPIO Oct 24-Nov 22

Someone is being elusive. You sense they know you are trying to contact them but they are deliberate­ly ignoring your messages. As it is, even if you did get to talk with them, they will give out confusing informatio­n that leaves you wondering what it is that is being said.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23-Dec 21

It will bore you to tears having to go over a recent conversati­on word by word. The details really don’t matter to you and you feel someone is deliberate­ly slowing down proceeding­s by focusing too much on trivial issues. It will be put to rest soon enough.

CAPRICORN Dec 22-Jan 20

Your practical and analytical abilities will be effective in a team situation. Where others are struggling to decide on what to do for the best, you will be able to help them figure out a solution. People will look to you to lead the way and they will be openly relieved about it.

AQUARIUS Jan 21-Feb 19

Jobs that you are currently working on might feel menial but someone has to do them. People are expecting you to fulfil your obligation­s and as frustratin­g as this might be, you could actually learn something from what you’re doing in the present moment. Take what you can from it.

PISCES Feb 20-Mar 20

If you need to take a break, then take it. It will not harm anything to pause and make some time for relaxation. Any pressure you feel comes mostly from your own desire to succeed. Allow yourself a little down-time and then you will return to the job with renewed vigour.

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