Nottingham Post

Patient told ‘phone would be confiscate­d’ if they complained


- By JOE LOCKER Local democracy reporter

A TROUBLED Nottingham­shire NHS trust tried to stop a patient from complainin­g about their care to a watchdog, a councillor has claimed.

Nottingham­shire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust has faced a catalogue of serious concerns over care and was rated as ‘requires improvemen­t’ by watchdog the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in 2022. The organisati­on is responsibl­e for mental health services in Nottingham­shire, including secure hospitals.

During a city council health scrutiny meeting on Thursday, chair Councillor Georgia Power raised further concerns about Highbury Hospital, which offers mental health services.

She said she had learnt a patient was asked to sign a document to say they would not contact Care Opinion, the UK’S independen­t nonprofit feedback platform for health and social care, or the CQC, with negative feedback.

“We know that, certainly recently, patients who were on wards in Highbury were asked to sign something to say they would not contact Care Opinion – we have evidence of that in 2022 – with negative feedback or they would have their phone taken off them while detained,” she said.

Councillor Power asked trust officials if they, therefore, believed feedback was effective.

Jan Sensier, the executive director of partnershi­ps and strategy at the Trust, said: “I think we don’t think it is effective at the moment. That is why we put in place a whole project around this because we are not listening after our patients. We need to do so much more and we absolutely acknowledg­e it is not good enough.”

Speaking after the meeting, Councillor Power said: “A patient shared an experience where they had tried to share concerns with Care Opinion and the CQC about the treatment they were receiving at Highbury Hospital. They were then asked to sign a document that said they would not post on social media. They hadn’t been. What they had done was try to contact the people you are supposed to contact if you feel your care is not appropriat­e.

“The trust said to us today they have got a wealth of informatio­n from patient complaints and Care Opinion but they don’t use it appropriat­ely, and we think that is true that they haven’t been using it appropriat­ely.

“We also know there has been a culture in some areas of the trust, not every area, of preventing patients of making those complaints.”

In January this year, Health Secretary Victoria Atkins ordered a special review of the trust following the Nottingham attacks. Valdo Calocane fatally stabbed students Barnaby Webber and Grace O’malley-kumar, both 19, and 65-year-old school caretaker Ian Coates, in June 2023.

Calocane had previously been treated for paranoid schizophre­nia by the trust and had been under its care several times before the incident.

The CQC has now published two parts of the special review, including an assessment of patient safety at the trust and improvemen­ts made at Rampton high-security hospital.

A third section of the review, focusing on how the trust cared for Calocane, is due in the summer. Other past problems at the trust include staff suspension­s and the CQC finding evidence of staff falsifying records and assaulting patients.

In March this year, the issues prompted Nottingham­shire County Council to suspend entering into a new contract with the trust pending the outcome of the special review.

The CQC has also said Rampton Hospital should only be re-licensed for a period of 12 months, rather than the typical five-year period.

During the meeting Ms Sensier and her colleague Dr Sue Elcock, medical director and deputy chief director of the trust, said the financial deficit of the organisati­on has also further grown and needed to be addressed quickly.

They admitted the trust had not listened to external voices enough, but noted it would be engaging in a “big conversati­on” with its 10,000 staff members working across the organisati­on to get their thoughts. They said there had, positively, been a nine per cent fall in its mental health care waiting lists.

The list had stood at 1,233 people when the review began. An improved crisis telephone line also went live on April 29, they said, which allows for voice messages to be left by people in need of help.

 ?? ?? Highbury Hospital
Highbury Hospital

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