
One-eyed rally hack


LAST NIGHT I watched an episode of Endeavour. It’s a spinoff prequel to Morse – I’m a sucker for a good detective series.

The plot for this episode had more than its fair share of red herrings. What worried me most, however, was the appearance of a one-eyed sports car in the first ten minutes. Was this fate or are one-eyed cars stalking me?

This all started when I bought two new lamp units for Yoo Hoo. I fitted them the day before the MOT test, drove it round the block and got back.

‘Where’s the headlamp?’ asked Mrs English. The nearside lamp had fallen out and disappeare­d. I drove back to Moss and purchased another lamp, swearing as they only come in pairs. Fitted them on the morning of the test and drove there. Yoo Hoo passed with flying colours until the tester took it out for a quick brake check. There was a clang and a scrunch, and – you’re ahead of me here – the very same nearside lamp fell out and he ran it over. Good job I’d got two, then.

I’ve now driven Yoo Hoo all of five miles and its third new headlamp unit appears to be quite happy in place. What’s more, the new Revington-sourced steering rack conversion is light and direct.

Next week the car’s off to Larry Rose to have the trim reattached with slightly more permanency than the double-sided tape used when I first got the car. And then it’s done – apart from driving it and seeing what falls off.

 ??  ?? Above Where did it go? Now Andrew is contemplat­ing which historic rally to enter the TR3a into, with daughter Scarlett as co-driver.
Above Where did it go? Now Andrew is contemplat­ing which historic rally to enter the TR3a into, with daughter Scarlett as co-driver.
 ??  ??

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