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Actress Lisa Faulkner (right) has admitted she’s ‘happy’ she’s infertile because otherwise she wouldn’t have her 13-year-old adopted daughter. ‘I am really happy that I am infertile because I wouldn’t have got Billie without it. I think I love her more because she is not my birth child,’ said the 47 year old, who adopted Billie when she was 15 months old with her former husband Chris Coghill. The star added: ‘But I don’t think that yearning to be pregnant will ever completely go until I hit the menopause and I can’t physically have children any more.’


Jessie J (right) has revealed it would be ‘devastatin­g’ if she couldn’t have children as a result of adenomyosi­s, a condition similar to endometrio­sis in which the inner lining of the uterus breaks through the muscle wall. ‘I may be infertile, which, not going to lie, would be devastatin­g,’ said The Voice Kids coach. ‘I might even go down the route of adoption or even surrogacy. I pray I have children the natural way, but if not, I’ll deal with it. Basically, I am still hoping. Some days it seems possible I might have children and others not.’ The singer, 31, is currently dating actor Channing Tatum and recently revealed she has met his six-year-old daughter Everly.


Kim Kardashian West

(right) has said she’s

‘learned to live’ with her psoriasis and

‘not be insecure’ as she shared how she manages the chronic skin condition. The reality star revealed she uses a body makeup product from her KKW Beauty range on the days she wants to cover up her psoriasis. Sharing a before and after snap (left), the 38 year old wrote: ‘I bruise easily and have veins and this has been my secret for over a decade.’

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