OK! (UK)



Everybody loved the photos of Teddy [far right] in last week’s OK!. Emilie’s boyfriend Mikey [right] bought every copy in the local shop and was telling them: ‘That that’s my son!’ He’s so proud.

Teddy has started smiling and he recognises voices and turns his head to see where you are. Emilie had to buy him more babygros because he’s had a bit of a growth spurt. He weighs 11lb now! A friend sent us a gorgeous Percy and Nell denim jacket with his name on. It’ll be perfect for the autumn.

I’ve been working out at home this week and yesterday I did a Joe Wicks 20-minute HIIT session. I did some squats and lunges with a kettlebell and some glute bridges with weights on my abdomen. I posted a selfie on Instagram in my gym kit and wrote: ‘Loli got to still look good!!’ When you’re over 40, there’s no reason why you have to start knitting your own cardigans. In fact, it’s time to ramp up the fitness. It doesn’t matter what age you are – you can still look and feel good. I’m all about

promoting a strong, healthy body image as there are so many girls starving themselves to be skinny.

I’ve really thrown myself into my training as I’ve signed up to do the ‘Paras 10’ – a ten-mile run in Catterick on September 7 to raise money for Support Our Paras. It’s an important charity to me, with Scott being in the Parachute Regiment, and we’re going to run it together with two of his friends. I managed to run 4.3km in 29 minutes last week, which I was pleased with as I haven’t run in ages! I’ve got a long way to go but I’ve no excuses now as I know I have to be ready for September.

Coronation Street viewers will have seen my character Michelle being proposed to by her boyfriend Robert [Tristan Gemmill] at a surprise party [below right]. I don’t think you have to have any gimmicks when someone proposes as long as it’s romantic. It’s a lovely thing if someone wants to marry you.

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