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There was a shocking study carried out by Optical Express recently that revealed that kids’ screen time has doubled in the last two years to four hours a day. It’s hard because we all try to not give our kids too much screen time [below right], but sometimes it’s just easier to let them play a game or watch something, especially in certain situations, like when you’re travelling. The rule in our house is that in the week I don’t let the kids have the ipad, but sometimes we will watch a programme together in the evening. With that it feels better because we’re doing it as a family, whereas the thing I don’t like about ipads and tablets is that they’re stuck in their own little bubble while they’re on them. At the weekends, I’m more lenient, it’s just about finding that balance and finding other forms of entertainm­ent.

Millie and Theo have been obsessed with the hot tub recently, which has also been a good way of getting them outside. You can cool the temperatur­e down so it’s completely safe for the kids. Pete did that with Theo while I was at work last week and they spent the whole day in there. He loves the

bubbles! We also took Theo to the garden centre [right]. I always get over-enthusiast­ic when we go, and last week I bought so much we had a tree sticking out of the car! I had to move it so I could see while I was driving. We also had some friends round at the weekend and I cooked. I made the most delicious cheesecake [below left] – it was so unhealthy but so tasty. I think you’ve got to treat yourself sometimes. I used a recipe from Mary Berry for a lemon and lime cheesecake and Theo loved crushing up the biscuits. Baking is such a great thing to do with the kids because they can easily get involved.

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