OK! (UK)




It’s quite likely you own something in your wardrobe that was brought to life by Adam Frisby. The In The Style founder has worked tirelessly for seven years to ensure his clothing brand has found its way into our homes and social media feeds.

You might expect In The Style to be the product of a business plan that would impress Lord Alan Sugar, with a larger budget than the one Kanye West sets himself for his Christmas shopping. However, Adam, 33, started the company from his bedroom with a redundancy pay cheque, no strategy and zero qualificat­ions.

“I’m proud that I started it with literally £960 in my account and no business knowledge whatsoever because there’s a lot of fashion owners who come from money. I suppose being young and possibly a bit naive helped me,” he tells OK! at our exclusive shoot at Adam and fiancé Jamie Corbett’s six-bedroom home on the outskirts of Manchester. “It literally came to me one afternoon that I could harness the power of celebritie­s from reality TV and Instagram, and I ran with it.”

What Adam lacked in money he made up for with his determinat­ion to make the brand a success. “I got Jamie’s sister to build a website, bought six dresses and then handed out leaflets myself,” he explains. “I did anything I needed to do in order to make it work. I convinced Lauren Pope, who was very popular on TOWIE, to be our first celebrity. I sold her a bit of a dream – she probably didn’t realise it was just me in my flat. OK! was the first magazine to cover the brand.”

In The Style is now worth over £30 million and it has collaborat­ed with many of our favourite UK celebritie­s including Billie Faiers, Jacqueline Jossa and Emily Atack. The purse-friendly clothing range means we can dress like the stars even if our budgets are more Nando’s than The Ivy.

There is one person who is even more important to the success of the business than the celebrity endorsers, and that is Adam’s partner Jamie. The 32-year-old quit his job to work at the company, but he wasn’t so supportive at the start.

“I was absolutely fuming when Adam told me his idea because I thought he’d been planning it a long time and not told me. We actually had quite a big argument,” Jamie

admits. “I was quickly on board though. In that first year I saw a side to Adam I’d never seen before. He was passionate about making it work and it was lovely to see that. It brought us closer together.”

The couple have been together for close to a decade, but on their initial meeting at a party it didn’t seem like they’d even become friends.

“I saw Adam standing on a balcony and went up to him to say ‘Hi’, and he looked straight through me,” Jamie tells us. “I went back to my friend and said, ‘Who is that guy? He’s so rude.’ Now I know he’s just incredibly shy and it’s actually quite an endearing quality.”

Adam later got in touch with Jamie after he appeared in his sleep. “I had a dream where I fancied Jamie, even though I didn’t in real life,” he explains. “I woke up in the morning and I couldn’t forget about it. It felt real so I messaged him on Facebook.”

The pair drifted apart due to the fact that Adam lived in Manchester while Jamie was in London. But in a developmen­t that could have been taken straight from a rom-com movie, they ended up unknowingl­y booking the same holiday to Gran Canaria.

“I was saying to all my friends, ‘I’m going to pull every night.’ Adam was literally the first person I saw and we spent the whole seven days only with each other. I never did get my lads’ holiday,” Jamie laughs. “A couple of months later I moved to Manchester to be with Adam as I hated my job and where I lived in London, and we made a proper go of it.”

The couple enjoy their banter at each other’s expense and that is part of what makes their relationsh­ip work.

“We can say the most awful things to each other and sometimes people will say, ‘Oh my God you argue a lot,’ but we will literally laugh after a minute. That’s how we work,” Adam explains. “We balance each other out very well,” Jamie agrees.

One thing they have healthy disagreeme­nts about is social media. Adam’s role has given him a good understand­ing of the power of Instagram, and as a result he regularly posts on his personal page too – something Jamie isn’t always comfortabl­e with.

“I’m very conscious about the way I look, probably a bit too much, and I need to relax.

My friends back home all have private accounts with 12 followers so I’m not used to it,” he says.

Adam interjects by sweetly revealing his reasoning, “People always say lovely things about our relationsh­ip so I think it is nice to show it sometimes.”

On Valentine’s Day Jamie showed his romantic side when he covered their home in rose petals, red balloons and candles. “I love doing the big gestures and I think one of the reasons I continue to do them is because

I know how much Adam hates it. It has become a bit of a challenge,” he jokes.

However, it was Adam, who’d never believed in marriage, who pulled off the ultimate surprise when he proposed in 2018 at the party he’d organised for Jamie’s 30th birthday.

“I never wanted to get married. I told Jamie that if he proposed I’d say no. It took me a long time to accept I was gay, even two or three years into our relationsh­ip. I felt like I was going to be judged, so I didn’t even think about marriage. After seven years together my thoughts changed on everything. I never wanted to have kids either, but now I do. To be honest I never thought I’d be in a relationsh­ip, let alone one that is so healthy and happy.”

Jamie was oblivious to his partner’s change of heart and was left shocked when Adam dropped down on one knee.

“I had literally no idea whatsoever. We’d had a stressful few weeks apart. Work had been tough for Adam, and I’d been visiting a family member who was in the hospital. Adam planned the whole party very last minute, but the proposal was perfect,” he recalls. “I did lose the engagement ring in an ice bucket on the night as it was way too big, but it wasn’t the real one anyway.” Adam adds, “Only Cartier would do for him!”


Jamie wasted no time planning their special day. “I literally started the morning after the proposal,” he says, although Adam wanted a longer engagement. It wasn’t until a drunken night in Mauritius in April the following year that Peckforton Castle was booked, which was always Jamie’s dream.

“We got absolutely smashed and I saw it as my chance to finally get the wedding sorted. We booked it that night,” he laughs.

The couple were set to marry in August this year, but because of coronaviru­s their wedding has been postponed until September 2021. Their special day will be covered by OK!, with Charlotte Crosby, Olivia Bowen, Gemma Collins and Dani Dyer all on the guest list.

Although Jamie initially found the delay hard to accept, he’s now looking on the bright side. “We can go bigger. We’re going to have a two-day event now,” he says. “He doesn’t need much of an excuse to spend more money,” Adam adds.

The pair already argue like an old married couple. And they have traditiona­l roles, according to Adam. “I’m a very busy businessma­n and he’s a housewife,” he says. Jamie quickly jumps in, “I have a job!”

Joking aside, the two have found a positive working dynamic over the years. “I thought it would be intense working and living together, but it’s not because we are best friends,” Adam says in an unexpected tender moment.

In The Style has previously been praised for its commitment to not retouching its images, for stocking up to a size 24, and raising over £400,000 for Samaritans. However, the brand was recently criticised for creating a Black Lives Matter charity T-shirt.

“I always look to listen and learn,” says Adam. “There were some really important comments in there – such as our social media feed could be more diverse. Feedback like that is completely fair and we’ve already implemente­d changes.”

However, he did struggle with some of the criticism. “The thing that hit me hard was

people saying I was doing it to market myself. I watched the video of George Floyd and I was mortified. I’ve got friends who suffer from racism and there’s a lot of people in the world who need to be educated. I wanted to use my platform to help a little bit. If people knew me, they’d know there was no ulterior motive.”

Adam also tells us that it’s important for him to see for himself that working conditions in the factories his company uses are of a good standard. He explains that his factories, both in the UK and the Far East, are independen­tly audited to ensure they meet the correct standards. “I’ve also been to visit a lot of our factories myself. It’s important for me to see that people who work there are happy, and the working conditions are good. It’s something that is fundamenta­l to the business as well as the people we work with.”

During the BBC series Breaking Fashion, viewers were taken behind the scenes at In The Style, and despite record-breaking sales Adam never came across as 100 per cent happy.

“When I’ve achieved something, I’m constantly thinking, ‘What’s next? How can I top it?’” he explains of his attitude and work ethic. “It’s immensely stressful because it’s like my baby and I will always be very involved.”

“It’s my biggest frustratio­n with him,” says Jamie. “He doesn’t take time to sit back and recognise his achievemen­ts. A collection will sell out and he’ll say, ‘We should have got more stock.’”

When we ask if we will see them back on TV, Adam replies, “It was a great opportunit­y for the brand and amazing to watch back, but not everybody who works at our company wants to be on TV and it was a lot more work than expected. They asked us to do a second series but we’ve turned it down. But you never know in the future.”

Instead, Adam says his focus is now on, “Taking the brand internatio­nal, becoming more than just a fashion company, and continuing to raise money for charity.”


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Adam (left) and Jamie welcome OK! into their home in Manchester
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