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This week: Lynne checks out The hottest new Trend in skincare


When I heard about a new night cream that promises to compensate for the ageing effects of insomnia, I had it on my face quicker than you can say, “Oh God, did I remember to lock the back door?” Basically, I have the sort of brain that nudges me awake at 4am to pick over all the things I might have messed up that day (or ever, in fact), and in turn am rewarded with pasty, dry, knackered, grumpy skin in the morning. It’s not my imaginatio­n either; lack of sleep has been proven to accelerate ageing in all sorts of ways, whether it’s slowing DNA repair, reducing collagen production or wreaking havoc with the skin barrier.

This is where Meder Circa-night, £98, steps in as, in its own words, “the first biohacking night cream for sleepless nights”.

If you’ve not heard about biohacking yet, it’s all about tweaks and cell-signalling ingredient­s designed to optimise your systems. In this case it’s meant to convince your skin’s circadian rhythm to behave as if you’re happily tucked up in sleep land so your body can crack on with its proper night-time repair work. The biohacking here involves soy peptides to reboot the sort of collagen worst hit by insomnia, and some friendly bacteria to help out skin structures damaged by sleep deprivatio­n.

But is it a dream cream or just clever marketing? Well, I’ve been using it for a couple of weeks now and I do think my face looks fresher than it deserves whenever my whirring mind puts in another nocturnal conference call at silly o’clock. Now if only there was a way of biohacking my overactive brain...

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