OK! (UK)

Tom Kerridge

The chef, 47, on his Talent for Trampolini­ng, his mum’s words of wisdom and being a petrolhead


My secret talent is…

As a 47-year-old fat bloke I’m alright on a trampoline! That’s something I’ve learnt during lockdown with my five-year-old son, Acey. I was hoping to get into the Tokyo Olympics, but I think I’m a little bit old!

My perfect evening is…

getting home and cooking tea. Then playing on the trampoline with Acey or making something out of Lego. Then it’s bathtime and bed. The days of going out partying are behind me – I massively enjoy hanging out with my little mate.

The best thing my parents taught me is…

I grew up in a single parent family so it was just my mum who was around. The best bit of advice she gave me was never to worry about what you’re going to do job wise, just make sure it’s something you enjoy and work as hard as you can.

‘i’m a bit old to get into the olympics’

The one thing I would change about myself…

I wouldn’t change anything looks wise – doesn’t everyone want to look like a pink Shrek! Personalit­y wise, people around me wish

I was more patient.

The first record I bought was…

Boxerbeat by Joboxers.

My favourite vehicle…

I recently got to drive the Mclaren GT, but sadly it wasn’t mine. I’m a big petrolhead. I love racing and Formula One.

The shop I can’t walk past…

I have to look in a good deli if I pass one. And there’s a clothes shop in Marlow High Street I love called Repertoire.

My perfect Sunday is…

I’ll get up early, do an hour in the gym or go for a swim. Then I’ll make breakfast at home and take my son to rugby training. Afterwards we’ll hang around drinking coffee and eating a bacon roll. Then I’ll cook Sunday lunch, or do a barbecue if the weather is nice. Then it’s homework and bedtime. If my son goes to sleep on time, maybe my wife Beth and I will get a movie in.

My last holiday was…

In between lockdowns last year we managed to fly to Tenerife. We were only there for two days before they announced they were going into another lockdown, so we had to fly home!

The book I’m currently reading…

is Jessie Ware’s new one, Omelette. It’s about little snippets of life and food.

The best day of my life was…

I should say my wedding day, but it’s got to be the day our little man was born. Life as I knew it was turned upside down. From a profession­al point of view, the day [his gastropub] The Hand And Flowers achieved two Michelin stars was pretty fantastic.

If I had half an hour left on earth…

I would play hide and seek with my little man.

Tom Kerridge is a brand ambassador for The new hovis bakers since 1886 range, which can be found in all major retailers. hovis 1886 burger buns are also being served in Tom Kerridge’s butcher’s Tap and grill in marlow

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