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Ihad a really emotional day recently as it was my last day collecting Theo from nursery before he starts school in September. I was almost in tears and so was his teacher. He loves her and we had such a lovely parent teacher meeting. She was telling me how polite and kind he has been, which just made me really proud. I do think I felt more emotional than I did on Millie’s last day because right now I’m not planning to have another baby, so it feels like this will be my last experience of this. It wasn’t so bad when Millie finished as I knew Theo still had all that to come. School will be a big transition for him but I do think he’s ready and I just hope he enjoys it. He is so inquisitiv­e and loves learning so I think he will come on in leaps and bounds.

Claudia Winkleman was recently talking about how she told the Strictly Come Dancing bosses that she was going to quit the show as she thought filming clashed with her son’s first day of university and she didn’t want to miss it. I can totally relate to that feeling.

I work for lots of great reasons, but at the same time there are so many things I’ve missed because of my job, like many other working parents. The other week I was able to attend Theo’s sports day, but that was the first one of his and Millie’s I’ve been able to make in seven years!

I also missed the first time Millie crawled, which was awful. She crawled the first day I went back to university after having her and I literally cried for ages. It’s tough but there are lots of things I’ve been able to experience, too, so I’m grateful for those. I feel so lucky that I’m able to work part time, as lots of parents aren’t in that position, and it does mean I can go to at least some of their school events.

I’m thankfully not working the day Theo starts school so I know that’s one milestone I won’t miss out on. Equally I love my job so I just do my best to get the balance!

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