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“I’ve always struggled with stress, and it affects my skin. I struggle with psoriasis on my body and legs, and if I go through a difficult period – like when my car was written off – it flares up within a few days.

Ten years ago, I also developed a condition called Favre-racouchot syndrome, which caused blackheads, lumps and deep wrinkles on my face. I felt so self-conscious and the prescribed medication left me feeling depressed. I’d leave consultati­ons in tears, feeling like I was bashing my head against a brick wall, and my self-confidence was in tatters.

The stress took its toll on my psoriasis, and people’s comments didn’t help. One woman asked me, ‘What’s happened to you?’

Two years ago, my consultant suggested I try laser treatment at a private clinic. I had a consultati­on at Perfect Skin Solutions in Portsmouth, and Dr Patel offered to treat me for free.

The laser treatment was brutal and afterwards my face looked burnt, but within a week the scabs had peeled off and I could see an improvemen­t. After three more treatments, the difference is incredible. The lumpiness and blackheads have cleared up, but my mental health has vastly improved too. My mood is better, I’m less anxious and I feel positive. I no longer dread looking in the mirror.

Feeling optimistic has definitely created a happy circle. My psoriasis is better, because I’m less stressed, and I’ve also put habits in place to keep me calm. I walk our dog every day and I delegate more too. If I don’t, I notice a difference in my skin.”

 ?? ?? Healthcare worker Lisa Coates, 54, lives in Portsmouth with her husband Peter. After years of struggling with her skin, she is finally rediscover­ing her confidence
Healthcare worker Lisa Coates, 54, lives in Portsmouth with her husband Peter. After years of struggling with her skin, she is finally rediscover­ing her confidence
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