Old Bike Mart

Do you need letters to do the job?


I read with some wry amusement the letter from Larry Heslop defining who an engineer is, particular­ly his final hope that his letter clarified the issue.

Without wishing to challenge anything Mr Heslop said, I think I would like to offer my own definition of an ‘engineer’, particular­ly as it applies to our world of old motorcycle­s. When I use the term I am thinking of the sort of chap with a good knowledge of metallurgy. He knows what metals to use for what applicatio­ns in engines. He understand­s what happens to components when subjected to the stresses of life in an engine. He knows something about lubricatio­n. He is expert in the use of a lathe, a milling machine and other tools for fashioning engine components out of metal. He fully understand­s how to measure fit and working tolerances.

I would not describe myself as an ‘engineer’, merely a moderately competent amateur mechanic. I have a friend or two to whom I would accord the term ‘engineer’ and I readily turn to them for advice and assistance. I do not know if they have any ‘letters’ but I would certainly call them engineers. They are men who really know how to build engines that work well for a long time. Geoff Stovold

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