Old Bike Mart

Putting the pedal to the medal

- Maurice Arden

My hearing aid chap was just leaving and he was enthusing about his friend who had just received notificati­on through the post of his having been made an OBE. “Oh, that’s very nice,” I said, “I’m pleased for him. Actually, I have the OBM.” Stunned look from my man, his mind clearly racing.

I said: “Yes, mine came the other day, also through the post. It’s called Old Bike Mart. It’s a motorcycle paper that I get every month!” A further stunned silence for a split second and he burst out laughing and nearly wet himself and then, with a big smile on his face, he drove off.

An OBE might be helpful when you’re trying to get a restaurant reservatio­n, but we reckon you’ll get far more use out of your OBM. Ed.

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