Olive Magazine

Fried halloumi and chickpea rainbow salad


Definitely make this! It’s also delicious stuffed into a wrap, or serve it with rice or quinoa. Halloumi needs to be served straight away, so make this fresh. Swap the halloumi for paneer, or use extra-firm tofu, patted dry, for a plant-based version of this dish.


ghee or coconut oil 2 tbsp

chickpeas 400g tin, drained and rinsed

garam masala 4 tsp

ground cumin 2 tsp

halloumi 225g, cut into small cubes

maple syrup 2 tsp

SALAD red onion 1/2 small or spring onions 2, finely chopped carrot 1 large, roughly grated

tomatoes 2 ripe, diced CASHEW-CORIANDER-MINT CHUTNEY cashews or other nuts 4 tbsp

coriander a small bunch

mint a small bunch, leaves picked

green chillies 2, deseeded if you prefer, and chopped, or a good pinch of dried chilli flakes ground cumin 1/2 tsp

limes 3, juiced

olive oil 4 tbsp

1 Divide the salad ingredient­s between two bowls. Heat a large frying pan over a medium heat and toast the cashews for the chutney for 3-4 minutes, tossing halfway through, until lightly golden, then tip half into a food processor and set aside the rest.

2 Put the pan back on the heat, melt 11/2 tbsp of the ghee and fry the chickpeas over a medium heat for 4 minutes with half of the spices and a pinch of salt, stirring occasional­ly. Tip into a bowl, scraping out any bits from the bottom of the pan.

3 While the chickpeas are frying, add all the other chutney ingredient­s to the food processor – saving some herbs for garnishing – with 3 tbsp of water, then blend together. Season.

4 Put the pan back on the heat with the rest of the ghee and, when melted, fry the halloumi over a medium heat for 2 minutes on one side, then turn, sprinkle over the rest of the spices and fry for 1 minute until lightly golden brown and crispy at the edges. Add the fried chickpeas and the maple syrup, then toss together with the halloumi and fry for 30 seconds so that the chickpeas warm through and the maple syrup bubbles and thickens. Scatter the chickpeas and halloumi over the salad, drizzle over half the chutney and top with the remaining nuts.

PER SERVING 925 kcals | fat 65G saturates 30.9G | carbs 38.5G | sugars 14.7G fibre 10.9G | protein 41.1G | salt 3.5G

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