Onboard Hospitality

Eternal hope...

- Julie Baxter EDITOR onboard hospitalit­y

One small benefit of these strange ‘stay at home’ times is that we've all been forced to get to know our ‘backyard’ a little better. In my case, based in the heart of the English countrysid­e, that means I am currently surrounded by seasonal hope.

Tiny snowdrops have forced their way through rock solid soil, vibrant yellow and purple crocuses are adding a splash of colour beyond the mud, catkins and pussy willows are softly bringing life to the winter hedgerows, and even daffodils are preparing to bud. Spring is in the air and with it comes new life, new starts and a reminder of the circularit­y of the seasons and the enduring push towards positive change.

Our industry has suffered the severest of metaphoric winters but where nature leads surely we can follow. New ideas, new operating models, new styles and collaborat­ions are forging their way through. There are hopeful buds emerging along a potential pathway to recovery and it's time to step out along it with cautious optimism.

In this issue we share some of what's emerging and also encourage you to share your successes through our new Industry Champions, free-toenter awards category.

Together we can head onwards to better times!

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