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Tarleton victory edges them closer to the title


WITH three matches to go Tarleton knew they had to take maximum points from Saturday’s encounter against Bury’s Firxt XV and with a good squad assembled they were confident they could continue with their unbeaten run.

From the start Tarleton put pressure on the Bury defence but somehow they were kept out and a thundering clearance kick from the Bury defender went too far and Tarleton found themselves with a scrum just inside Bury’s half.

A No.8 pick up by Hugo Castle made good yards and he slipped the ball out of the tackle to Jonathan Mahon who also broke the gain line and gave a well-timed pass to Ben Walton on the wing who ran in the first Tarleton try after seven minutes of play.

Aidan Miller added the extras and Tarleton led 7-0.

More pressure on Bury in their half saw them concede a penalty which was kicked to the corner, a rolling maul was formed from the line-out and Tarletons’ pack pushed Bury back over their try line where Rob Williamson put the ball down for the try.

To their credit the Bury defence worked extremely hard in keeping Tarleton from running riot and this plus a combinatio­n of unforced errors meant that only one further try was scored during the first half.

This came following a good break by Tom Crowe who made some good ground but, as a forward, decided he had run far enough and off-loaded the ball to the supporting runner, Frankie Skofic who went in under the posts.

Aidan Miller added the extra 2 points and at half time Tarleton led 19-0.

Tarleton continued pressurisi­ng Bury from the off and a quickly taken penalty by Jonathan Mahon and a deft pass to Aidan Miller saw the Bury defence torn apart and the supporting Frankie Skofic was given a good pass to have an easy run in for his second try of the afternoon.

The conversion was good and more importantl­y Tarleton had their bonus point try.

Tarleton continued to press and a further penalty was sent along the back line for Ollie Barham to run in a good try, again this was converted by Aidan Miller and the score now stood at 33-0.

Bury were tiring and were guilty of conceding far too many penalties as they tried to slow the game illegally.

Another penalty in the Bury half was taken quickly by Jack Skofic who broke through before passing the ball to Ben Walton who used Aidan Miller coming through on an inside run, Aidan could see that he had drawn three Bury defenders and another well timed pass saw Will Fell through to score.

The last try came again from good play amongst the backs and a good run by Ben Walton saw him slip the ball inside to Frankie Skofic who went over for his hat-trick.

The conversion was good and Tarleton had won 47-0. Although a good result this was not a polished performanc­e and with two games to go Tarleton require three points against the third and fourth placed teams over the next fortnight to secure the league. Burnley had a 39-36 win over Didsbury to keep the pressure on Tarleton and it is a match at Didsbury next week that could settle the league.

 ?? Hugo Castle breaking off the back of the scrum for Tarleton ??
Hugo Castle breaking off the back of the scrum for Tarleton

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