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Youngsters’ Spring Clean for town


HARDWORKIN­G schoolchil­dren and other volunteers joined West Lancashire Borough Council rangers to take part in the Great British Spring Clean.

Following the success of the ‘Clean for the Queen’ Campaign in 2016, which attracted over 250,000 people to take part in nationwide litter picking events, the Keep Britain Tidy Group launched a new Great British Spring Clean campaign.

This aimed to inspire 500,000 people to participat­e in community clean ups.

The Council organised its own events as well as encouragin­g and supporting parish councils and residents across the borough to organise their own events in their area.

On Wednesday, March 8 pupils and governors from Lathom High School were among the 26 volunteers who helped rangers with the spring clean at Tawd Valley Park in the area around Summer Street.

They spent three hours clearing up the area and found enough rubbish to fill 71 bin bags, as well as three shopping trollies.

Children from Ormskirk Primary School and other volunteers teamed up to help out the West Lancashire Rangers at a spring clean around Station Approach, Ormskirk on Friday, March 10.

They managed to pick up eight bin bags worth of litter and a traffic cone!

On their travels they learned how they were helping the wildlife by removing litter.

Other clean-ups organised by the Rangers took place at Coronation Park in Ormskirk, where 20 bags of rubbish were collected, and Chequer Lane Lake where five bags were filled despite the bad weather.

Councillor Yvonne Gagen, portfolio holder for Leisure, said: “I am really impressed with the amount of effort volunteers and the Rangers put into these cleanup events as they have helped to clear up a lot of rubbish.

“I would also appeal to the general public to take their litter home and to help make sure our parks and countrysid­e sites are clean and tidy for everyone to enjoy.”

For more informatio­n on West Lancashire Borough Council parks and countrysid­e sites please visit www.westlancs.gov. uk/countrysid­e.

 ?? Volunteers joined West Lancashire Borough Council rangers to take part in the Great British Spring Clean ??
Volunteers joined West Lancashire Borough Council rangers to take part in the Great British Spring Clean
 ?? Ranger Anne Faulkner shows the pupils some wildlife while they are out on the clean-up ??
Ranger Anne Faulkner shows the pupils some wildlife while they are out on the clean-up

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