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Ormskirk edged out as Bedians win in tryfest


GREEN Lane welcomed the visit of Old Bedians from Manchester for the first fixture of 2018, a game that turned out to be a try fest, with both sides scoring six tries, but with the home side falling short by two points at the end.

Ormskirk were quickly out of the blocks as the game began and were soon into their running style of rugby.

Bedians were caught on the back foot and an offence at the ruck gave Gareth Little the chance of a long penalty, which unfortunat­ely grazed the underside of the crossbar.

From the resulting 22 drop out, number eight Jack Johnston collected the ball and from his strong carry the ball was quickly recycled and into the backs hands.

Centre Mike Knowles broke through the line and drawing the last defender off loaded to winger Tom Owens for the opening score out wide.

The score soon increased to 10-0 as Ormskirk continued to carry the ball at the heart of the Bedians’ defensive line.

Good controlled work at the breakdown cleared away the tacklers to produce quick ball that allowed back row Rob Hall to complete the move over the line.

As in previous games, Ormskirk can be too expansive and a loose pass out wide was pounced on by the Bedians winger to race for the line.

Fortunatel­y Ormskirk were able to scramble their defence and prevent the score, but they were now on the back foot.

Bedians maintained the pressure and good sleight of hands put the right winger in for a try, a 10-5 reduction in the arrears.

In trying to clear their lines from the restart, Bedians fumbled the ball and allowed the harassing Ormskirk kick chasers to regather the ball and attack the line.

Bedians were penalised at the breakdown and the home side opted to have a scrum.

Jack Johnston picked up at the base of the scrum and went on his trademark rampage, although stopped the ball was quickly recycled for Mike Knowles to score and the try was duly converted by Gareth Little. Ormskirk’s play so far warranted their 17-5 lead.

Bedians did not feel they were out of the game and good pressure was exerted on the home defensive line, which began to slip off tackles.

Bedians kicked to touch from a penalty awarded for offside at the breakdown and set up an attacking platform from the resulting line out.

Their play went through multiple phases and, helped by some sluggish defensive tackling, eventually went over the line out wide for a 17-10 halftime score line.

Although still a force going forward, Ormskirk needed to up their game defensivel­y if they were to maintain their lead in the second half.

The Bedians defence showed they were up to the task as they stayed strong in the face of early Ormskirk pressure.

Awarded a free kick for an Ormskirk offence at a scrummage, Bedians took the quick tap option which caught the home side with their backs turned.

There followed a spate of poor tackling which allowed the visitors to touch down and level up the scores.

Not to be out done, Ormskirk replied immediatel­y from the kick off with Gareth Little being released on the left side to score out wide and edge themselves into the lead once again at 22-17, a fourth try bonus point achieved as well.

Although a relief at first for the spectators this lead was not secure as Ormskirk’s defensive frailties began mount.

A good attack down the right side saw winger Jack Whisker make good ground.

Bedians tackled well to hold him up and at the next ruck were awarded a penalty for Ormskirk being offside.

Not having learnt their lesson, backs were once again turned as Bedians took the quick tap, déjà vu, they break through ineffectiv­e tackling to score out wide, equalling things up at 22-22.

Bedians tails were now up and Ormskirk, forcing the play in their efforts to regain the advantage, spilled the ball in centre field allowing the visitors to regather.

The home defensive line at first held firm but Bedians were not to be denied, eventually scoring under the posts for a converted try, 22-29 lead for the first time.

The games momentum seemed to have shifted to the visitors, but this setback for Ormskirk only strengthen­ed their resolve and they once more pressurise­d the visitors defences.

A knock on stopped their advance and from the resulting scrummage the Bedians scrum half kicked to clear the line.

Full back Gareth Little fielded the ball on the move, broke into the opposition 22 and interchang­ing passes looked to have put him over.

Last ditch tackles stopped him short but Ormskirk were not to be denied as recycled ball was given to second row Phil Davis to crash over.

An excellent conversion from out wide by Alex Lambie bringing the sides level once again.

Game management was now critical for Ormskirk, any mistake would be costly as the game reached its closing minutes and they had done well to battle back.

A silly penalty given away for handling the ball in the ruck was not what they needed and luckily the kick at goal was missed by the Bedians kicker.

A sloppy 22 drop out by Ormskirk was regathered and driven back by Bedians.

When a strong defence was required the home side could only muster some weak tackling, allowing a converted score under the posts, 29 -36, surely a winning position for Bedians.

As always Ormskirk kept going to the end and winning the ball cleanly from the restart they drove strongly up the field into the Bedians half.

Cleanly recycled breakdown ball was moved to the backs, skipper Mike Knowles broke through the line and went 40 metres to score out wide.

At 34-36 the conversion could once again equal things up but the ball drifted agonisingl­y wide to leave Bedians as the victors on the day.

A very entertaini­ng game of 12 tries but one that Ormskirk will rue as one that got away, although they did come out of it with two points and other results keeps them in the fourth play off place.

A difficult away game at Eagle awaits them next Saturday.

 ?? Ormskirk in their first match of 2018 against Old Bedians ??
Ormskirk in their first match of 2018 against Old Bedians
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