Paisley Daily Express

Driver fined after baby batters head off kerb

Hero grandad pushed kids out of way of reversing car

- Chris Taylor

A driver caused a baby to fall from a pram and bounce her head off the ground after he reversed without looking.

Frank Dorans, 59, manoeuvred backwards forcing a grandad to push the buggy carrying the oneyear-old tot out of the way.

He also managed to grab the four-year-old boy out from the motor’s path just yards from a busy school at home time.

At Paisley Sheriff Court this week, Dorans admitted causing the baby’s head injury by careless driving.

And he was hit with eight points, but kept his licence after insisting he needed his car to get to work.

Fiscal depute Emma Jeffrey told how the drama unfolded in front of the lollipop lady, near St Mary’s Primary, at the corner of Maxellton Road and Maxwellton Street, Paisley.

She explained: “This happened at around 3pm, when school had just finished for the day.

“The accused was in his vehicle at the crossing.

“He began reversing because the car in front was reversing.

“He failed to notice there were people crossing the road behind him.”

Ms Jeffrey pointed out that the grandfathe­r – who can’t be named for legal reasons – was crossing the road at the time with his grandchild­ren.

She added: “He feared his grandchild­ren would be hit and pushed his grandson away and also pushed the pram away.

“This caused the pram to overturn and his granddaugh­ter to injure her head due to the pram hitting the kerb.”

The court heard Miller’s red Volkswagen Golf was in queuing traffic near the school gates as the playground emptied.

An ambulance rushed to the scene and took the stricken tot to the nearby Royal Alexandra Hospital, where she was later released.

Defence lawyer Paul Coyle told how Dorans stopped to speak to witnesses and left his details after the smash on December 7, 2015.

He added: “My client accepts utmost care and attention is needed when manoeuvrin­g a motor vehicle near a school.”

The brief told how Dorans, who lives with his brother in Green Road, has been a screen printer in Glasgow for 16 years and uses the car to get to work.

Sheriff Tom McCartney told him a “high level” of concentrat­ion was needed when passing schools.

He added: “I do not need to disqualify you from holding or obtaining a licence, but I shall impose eight points.”

Dorans was also fined £720, due to be paid within two months.

 ??  ?? Have you seen her? Sarah McMillan has disappeare­d
Have you seen her? Sarah McMillan has disappeare­d

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