Paisley Daily Express

Netflix users hit by bogus messages


Netflix users across Renfrewshi­re are being urged to stay vigilant after an online scam has emerged targeting users’login and bank account details.

The Scottish Business Resilience Centre (SBRC) is warning people who use the online streaming service to be on high alert following a spate of fraudulent emails.

Users of the site have received messages prompting them to keep their membership­s details up to date.

They are then linked to a bogus login page on which they are asked to fill out personal details.

Gerry Grant, an ethical hacker with SBRC, has given advice to those concerned about being targeted.

He said:“We are urging caution after a recent outbreak of fraudulent emails have targeted users of the site.

“Attackers are now taking more care in creating genuine-looking emails. This can make it a lot harder to spot a fake,.

“Users should never click on the link in any email, but log on to the site directly from their browser.”

Once users have filed in their details hackers are able to use them to either extract further informatio­n or directly target finances.

The popularity of streaming websites has boomed over the past year and the huge number of potential targets makes them an attractive propositio­n for online criminals.

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