Paisley Daily Express

You have got to keep sick kids’ ward open

Families protest as health chiefs back closure plan

- David Campbell

The axe looks set to finally fall on Paisley’s sick kids’ ward after health bosses officially backed plans to close the much-loved facility yesterday.

Despite angry protests, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde health board members recommende­d to the Scottish Government that ward 15 close its doors.

The final decision on the future of the ward now rests with Scottish Health Minister Shona Robison, who will decide if paediatric inpatient services will transfer from the Royal Alexandra to the new Royal Hospital for Children.

Members of the board voted 15 to seven in favour of approving the health board proposals at a meeting at the William Quarrier Conference Centre in Govan yesterday.

Now worried parents are demanding the Scottish Government reject the plans.

A lead campaigner from the Kids Need Our Ward group has described the 12 week public consultati­on leading up to the vote as a “shambles.”

Carolann Davidson added: “We are upset and angry but not surprised. The consultati­on was carried out by the health board for the health board. It was a done deal before the consultati­on ever happened.

“The decision has been, made on cost cutting and not on the needs of local families. The Scottish government imposed £69million worth of cuts on to the health board and they have targeted the children’s ward in Paisley

Paisley mum Margaret Gibson’s fiveyear- old daughter Suzi weighed just 2.11lbs when she was born at 28 weeks.

She subsequent­ly lost a leg and now suffers with several serious health conditions, including a chronic lung disease, cerebral palsy and respirator­y issues.

Margaret was devastated by the news that ward 15 is set to close and warned health bosses could have the blood on their hands following the decision.

Yesterday, The 39-year-old mum of two said: “I’m absolutely shocked. It’s appalling that they would make this decision.

“They have thought about saving money over the life of my daughter. It’s cost cutting, that’s all it is.

“I’m furious they could make a decision like this that will put my daughters life and the lives of other children at risk. She relies on ward 15. The staff know my daughter, and they know her needs. At the new hospital she will just get swallowed up.

“Suzi has open access to the ward, we can take her in and they know her. They know how to treat her.

“If it is now in the hands of Shona Robison, the health minister, then I urge her to come and meet the children affected by this. I’m absolutely furious.”

Politician­s have blasted the decision and has also demanded Ms Robison visits Renfrewshi­re.

Neil Bibby, MSP for West Scotland, said “The health board’s plan to downgrade the RAH and close the children’s ward is being driven by cuts not clinical need – the health board need to make £69 million of savings that’s over £1million every week.

“This closure and the transfer of 8,000 cases to Glasgow can only go ahead if approved by Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP Government in Edinburgh. Having denied these proposals even existed before last year’s election it would be a disgrace and a betrayal if the SNP now closed the RAH children’s ward.

“I am dismayed that the Health Board are proceeding with this plan to downgrade the RAH – the future of the hospital depends on keeping key services. A majority of health board members have ignored the views of thousands of local parents.

“The SNP Government must not do the same. Before making a decision the SNP Government Ministers should visit Renfrewshi­re to listen to views of local families.”

Health board bosses continue to claim that the recommenda­tion is based on sound clinical opinion.

John Brown, NHSGGC chairman, said: “We saw a detailed discussion on this service change following the conclusion of the consultati­on.

“Our staff carried out four consultati­on events and nine drop-in sessions across the Clyde area to help patients and their families share their views with us and allow us to answer any questions they may have.

“The board has recognised the overwhelmi­ng clinical support and decided that young patients from Clyde will now benefit from the same first class, stateof-the-art facilities as other children from across the West of Scotland who already attend the hospital.

“The RHC is one of the finest paediatric teaching hospitals in the UK and the largest in Scotland. The entire focus is around children and young people, with care provided in a child-friendly environmen­t.”

 ??  ?? Anger Protesters say the ward must be saved
Anger Protesters say the ward must be saved

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