Paisley Daily Express

Pervert guilty of exposing himself to female co-worker

Flasher has sentenced deferred pending reports

- Ron Moore

A pervert pulled down his zipper and wiggled his manhood at a woman co- worker he fancied, a court has heard.

Shamed John Armstrong, 60, was cleaning buses at McGill’s yard in Barrhead last October when he approached the female colleague.

Paisley Sheriff Court heard that Armstrong, of Patterton Drive, Auchenback, in the town, went up to the woman and firstly asked her an inappropri­ate question last October.

Fiscal depute Joanne Gilmour told the court: “The complainer works at McGill’s bus depot in Barrhead where also the accused works.

“She had returned to the bus depot after finishing her shift when the accused entered the bus and began cleaning it.

“During a conversati­on he asked her who she was sleeping with.

“She was taken aback by the question and responded she wasn’t sleeping with anyone.

“She left the bus and was making her way to her car when she was approached by the accused who started engaging with her.”

The fiscal said the lady in question was fetching the keys from her handbag when she saw the accused take down his trousers.

Ms Gilmour dded: “He undid his trousers and pulled his penis out.

“She was definitely not interested and got in her car and drove away.”

The court was told that the woman targeted by Armstrong reported the matter the following day and officers traced Armstrong. He was then cautioned and charged.

Yesterday, he appeared at court to plead guilty to a charge of exposing his genitals to his colleague and that during the incident it was the intention that she would see him undoing his trousers and exposing his penis to her.

Armstrong’s defence agent Joya Maudlin said he was pleading guilty to the offence, but added she would reserve making her submission in his defence until after the court had obtained background reports.

Sheriff Robert Fife told the accused that because of the nature of the offence he was being placed on the Sex Offenders’ Register.

He added: “I will defer sentencing for Criminal Justice Social Work Reports and you will be subject to notificati­on under the sexual offences act.”

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