Paisley Daily Express

Your chance to sound off with opera group


Figaro si!, Figaro là! Do you sing in the shower every morning but would actually like to sing on stage?

If so, then the Paisley Opera Project could be for you.

People are being invited along to the first weekly get-together for lovers of opera and classical music.

The group is being run by profession­al bass Simon Hannigan and a group of core singers who are profession­als too.

A spokesman for the group said:“If you’ve never sung before – great. “Don’t be scared, it’s meant to be fun. “We believe everyone can sing and we’ll help you to be your best.

“If you’re an experience­d amateur singer then that’s great too. “We really want your help. “We’re going to start off with a couple of the most famous choruses with tunes that we can all get our heads around quickly and just enjoy singing.”

The group will be rehearsing from now until its first informal concert which will be on Friday, April 21, and, at the same time, working on its main project for the autumn which will be a speciallyd­evised piece around some of the great choruses and exploring a Paisley story.

The first event will take place on Monday, February 27, at 7pm, in Wallneuk North Church, Abercorn Street.

There will be a charge of £2 per person to cover the cost of the hall.

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