Paisley Daily Express

We must put the brakes on vandals

Calls for CCTV after yobs smash up cars in Paisley

- Chris Taylor

Families have called for a crackdown on vandals after cars were targeted.

Yobs caused damage spiralling into hundreds of pounds after smashing windows during a crime wave in Paisley.

Glass was left strewn across the pavement after late-night attacks in plush Oakshaw.

They say extra CCTV could have put a stop to anti-social behaviour, which saw a number of motors trashed.

John Wilby, chairman of Paisley West and Central Community Council, says attempts are being made curb troublemak­ers.

He told the Paisley Daily Express: “We are aware there has been a spate of car vandalism in the area.

“There is a neighbourh­ood watch scheme in operation in the area.

“We also work very closely with the police and council wardens.

“They have had some success in bringing the numbers down.

“There are some cameras in place, closer to Oakshaw Trinity Church, but none at the other end.

“Extra CCTV would be welcome, but we understand resources are finite.”

Police were called after motors were targeted after parking up near the John Neilson Institute earlier this month.

Residents reported broken windows and damage to body work after a scuffle was heard nearby around 10am on March 10.

The latest statistics for Paisley North West, which covers the area, reveals there were nine reports of vandalism in the third quarter of last year.

There were also 601 calls relating to disorder and antisocial behaviour between October and December.

This is up a quarter from the period before, when there were 483 appeals for help.

Renfrewshi­re Council chiefs say these incidents were “met with a co- ordinated response from Community Safety partners”.

It says patrols have been stepped up by officers and wardens to try and stamp- out the problem.

Police Scotland confirmed it is probing a number vandalism reports.

 ??  ?? Damaged This car was among those smashed up by yobs in Oakshaw
Damaged This car was among those smashed up by yobs in Oakshaw

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